Police say that disappears “by accident”

(CNN) –– During an arrest, a Minneapolis suburb police fired his fleet into his electric pistol –– in EE.UU. is known as “Taser” –– and achieved a loss that covered the life of Daunte Wright, a black man disarmed for 20 years, in which the authorities had a loss rating “by accident”.

La policía de Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, the largest location of the los hechos, as the Corporal Corporal. The only thing that matters is that law enforcement intends to detain Wright while he is going through a traffic jam, which will end in disarray. The situation leads to a night of protests and balances near the city police commissioner.

The agent who fatally disapproved of Wright was identified on the night of this Monday as Kim Potter, following a press release from the Minnesota Criminal Tribunal Office (BCA). Potter has been with the Brooklyn Center Police Department for 26 years, according to the agency.


The Brooklyn Center Alcalde, suburbio where he lost to Daunte Wright, called the “incomprehensible” and “desgarrador” tiroteo. All, while a jury in the Minneapolis decision will decide where the future of Derek Chauvin will be, the police charged with the death of George Floyd, who in this case committed a social agitation campaign this year.

“I would like to know that the courage of our duel at this moment, we are supremely at this moment. And we recognize that we are in a difficult situation at the moment, “said Mike Elliot. “Recognize that you are loved when our community, when all United States, from all over the world, observe our community”, added.

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, said “peace and quiet”. Mientras, las autoridades de Minneapolis y St. Paul declares emergencies and touches of queda antes of the disturbances that are hoped for second night consecutively this month. Hennepin’s condos –– will be located at Brooklyn Center–– Anoka, Ramsey and Dakota will also be present at the queda.

Protests over the death of a black man in Minnesota 0:51

The Criminal Detention Office (BCA, by its English records) of the state invests the rescue and did not attend the press conference. The agency’s staff did not respond to CNN’s request for comment.

The City Police Chief, Tim Gannon, said that the publication of the video was in the wake of transparency and that the BCA did not approve the release of images under investigation.

Gannon added that part of the corporate camera images that are published this month should be thought of as the tiroteo fue accidentally. Also the actions of the agent ante of the tiroteo were consistent with the training of the department on electric pistols.

“While watching the video and listening to the police orders, the agent believes that the intention is to use his electric pistol. But, in exchange, Wright appeared after Wright with a single ball, “said Gannon. “It seems to me – for what he saw and because of the agent’s immediate reaction and despair” – that he was accidentally discharged as a result of the tragic death of Sen. Wright, “he added.

The video shows three police officers at a traffic stop. Without embarrassment, the only video released was a one-minute clip of the agent who escaped his army.

Gannon does not disclose details about the police, except to say that she is a veteran of the department and is currently on an administrative license. It also indicates that the city will have to know its name, but has the night of these months without its habit.

“I feel that the community needs to know what it is.” Necesitaban left. You need to make it transparent. And I want to be frank », Gannon said.

It is common, though not always mandatory, that law enforcement agencies conduct investigations into foreign entities. It is to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.

Gannon said that the BCA trust that investigates and presents its halls, “Independently of me”, to the authorities and advocates to review the case.

A spokesman for the EE.UU Department of Justice. signal that the disappearance was a local help. In this sense, it is indicated that the department is not involved in the investigation. The tax district of Hennepin’s district states that the case will be sent to another district to avoid a “conflict of interest appearance”.

Ben Crump, a lawyer for the Wright family, described the plot as “completely avoidable” and “inhumane.”

“While Minneapolis and the rest of the country continue to suffer with the tragic onslaught of George Floyd, now we must also mourn the loss of this young man and father,” he said.

Details of what I do not agree with Daunte Wright

Wright conducts his novel with the news of his dominoes in the case of his German mayor, when the police detain him at a traffic stop by a multi-stranded road, dealing with the authorities. The agents also superstar that Wright had a judicial order pending and intent to expose, while he was ready to drive his car.

Wright’s German mayor, Damik Bryant, told CNN that he was sending a text message to Wright moments before the news. In communication the question of what is happening is so disturbing. Wright responded with another text message, indicating that the detective and the security information officer, Bryant said. Entonces su hermano le dijo que llamara a su madre.

Daunte Wright proportioned to the agents on his behalf antelope to his mother, relation Bryant.

“They’re the pidieron who pays for the car. Y, sabes, su primer instinto fue decir: ‘¿Qué hice, qué esta mál?’ And there they are, like: ‘Good, ring the phone, the car hall now. We’ll have an account when selling ”, Bryant said.

“It’s the detective (in the traffic parade) because he has tens of thousands of colleagues in the spy room,” said Daunte Wright’s mother, Katie Wright, in a CNN WCCO affiliate. “I heard that the police agent went to the window and said: ‘Give me the phone and sell the car’. Y Daunte dijo: ‘¿Por qué?’. Elijah: ‘If we explain it when we sell the car’ ‘, it’s also the mother of the CNN KARE affiliate.

«Entones, I heard that the phone was on the table or in the cayo. And there were altercations, and the police agents were told to ‘Down, not corrate’ ». Luego, the other policy dijo: ‘Cuelga el teléfono’ », antes de que sonara com si la llamada se hubiera colgado, añadió la madre.

In the corporate chamber images that are confined to this moon, a policy says Wright “does not haggle”, Wright says apart from an agent to recover the car. Gannon said in the video that Wright intended to go.

If the agent, who lives in the corporate chamber, imagines himself being defiled, advertises to the man that he used his electric pistol, before repeatedly gritting: «Taser! Taser! Taser! ».

In the meantime, listen to the greedy agent: «¡Mie ***! Acabo de dispararle ».

The video is still being watched. Gannon says that the disappearance appears to be “an accidental accident”. And he added that the agent’s conduct that the Daunte Wright incident –– a grater “Taser” three times to alert the search officers that establishes a point to disperse his electric gun– – consistent with his training.

The Brooklyn Park police officers, 16 miles from the Minneapolis police station Derek Chauvin, are serving a sentence for the death of another black man, George Floyd.

People in protest of Wright’s death

When the news of Wright’s death spread on the night of this day, hundreds of people were protesting. Gannon says to periodicals that a police agent receives a hole in the cabbage for an object that will shoot the protesters, who will use leftover refreshments and pedicures.

The Minnesota National Guard has planned to increase the number of soldiers by acknowledging the final arguments in the case against Chauvin. More than 500 members of the Guardia have been activated. Además, the entity said it plans to increase the number of members in service, “in response to the events during the night at Brooklyn Center.”

While it appears that during Wright’s death, the Domingo created the night before, even though it appears that the accidental accident deprivation, the KARE airplane images show several police cars around the Brooklyn Center accident scene. An el video shows a person intending to make dañar los coches de la policía.

A total of 100 to 200 people marched on the Brooklyn Center Police Department, led by John Harrington, commissioner of the Minnesota Public Security Department (DPS, for its English flags).

After annexing, a multitude of police department meetings were held to inform CNN crews in the booth. The agents form a driving force of the edification, with some policies applied in the superior part of the establishment.

Harrington signaled that he was informing people that Arrojaron Piedras and other objects had been changed by the police. Also hubo report disparos in the area, added.

While a group was staying in the police department, a second-of-a-kind party was located at the Shingle Creek shopping center, where 20 businesses, including Harrington, were located. The majority of the people in the police department will be dispersed later, added. See arrest of two people, said Gannon.

Harrington also mentions that the authorities will maintain a strong presence in the area in the coming days. The toques of the queda are set for this Monday from 19:00 to the 6 am También retrograde a vigilia planned in the place of the death of Daunte Wright to complete with the toque de queda.

“There will be a large variety of National Guard police departments, states and localities working together over the next three days,” Harrington added.

Peter Nickeas, Holly Yan, Jessica Schneider, Jessica Jordan, Christina Carrega, David Close, Carma Hassan, Shawn Nottingham Brad Parks, Joe Sutton, Eric Fiegel y Alta Spells, todos de CNN, contribute to an informal contribution.
