Police officer pays the suspects’ holiday dinner for shoplifting

A Massachusetts police officer wins praise for providing Christmas dinner for two women accused of trying to steal groceries for their children

SOMERSET, Massachusetts – A Massachusetts police officer did not want to charge two women accused of trying to steal groceries for the children, but instead bought Christmas dinner for them.

Somerset officer Matt Lima responded to a report of shoplifting on December 20 at Stop & Shop, in which two women with two young children were accused of putting groceries in bags at a self-checkout kiosk without scan.

The women said they fell during difficult times and tried to provide a Christmas dinner for the children. Lima says he was reminded of his own children and used his own money to buy $ 250 gift cards for groceries.

“His actions provide an example of what it means to protect and serve the members of our community,” said Chief George McNeil on the department’s website.
