Police killed after attack at the EU Congress will be expunged in the Capitol

Washington, United States.

The remains of the deadly police during the attack on the United States United States Congress of January 6 on behalf of the entourage of President Donald Trump will be exhibited in the Rotunda of the Capitol, an honor that will be given to rare exceptions, inform the four lawmakers.

The agent Brian Sicknick received a hole in the cabbage with an extinguisher of fire extinguishers being sent to the workers who had taken the victims Congress.

Sieknick, 42 years old, who integrated the force that protected the Capitol, regressed to the offices of his division, crashed and was transferred to a hospital, in which the failure of the next day, indicates the police parliament. The total death toll was fifty.

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“El United States Congress is united in the color, gratitude and solemnity solemn to the service and victimization of the official Brian Sicknick“, said the President of the Chamber of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, and the leader of the Mayor of Senado, Chuck Schumer, in a communication.

His actions “during the violent insurrection against ours Capitol ayudaron a salvar vidas, ‘n verdediger el templo de nuestra democracia ya asegurar que el Congreso no fuera deviado de compillir con su deber constitutional “, agregaron.

Follow the web site of the Chamber of Representatives, only other people and side exhibits in the Rotonda: the reverend Billy Graham, icon of civil rights; Rosa Parks, and other Capitol police officers, Jacob Chestnut and John Gibson, were assigned during a 1998 shooting.

Preventione, Pelosi ordenó bajar las banderas del capitol and honor a Sieknick. Four days after the attack, the rest received a guard of honor while being transferred from the morning to the funeral home.
