Police Investigate Marilyn Manson’s Violence and Abuse Denials

Guadalajara, Jalisco.

Marilyn Manson is being investigated by the Sheriff’s Department of the Los Angeles County Department of Foreign Affairs, including various women the star of Westworld Evan Rachel Wood and the actress de Game of Thrones Esmé Bianco, presentaron denuncias de domestic violence y sexual abuse against the tune of 52 years.

The Special Officer’s Office of the Sheriff’s Department of the County of Los Angeles is investigating the domestic violence violations which involves Sr. Brian Warner, also known as’Marilyn Manson‘, which works in the music industry. The incidents occurred between 2009 and 2011 when the Lord Warner live in the city of West Hollywood “, said a representative of the department to some media outlets.

The principles of this month, the actress, singer and activist Evan Rachel Wood, afirmó que Marilyn Manson abusive “horrible” of her during years when she was in a relationship.

“I am here to expose you to this ugly man and to pay attention to the many industries that he has allowed, as long as he lives more. I am with the many victims who have not kept silent”, Wood wrote in an Instagram post.

Hours after publication of Wood, Loma Vista Opnames sacó a Manson of his cell.

“In the light of the inquisitive accusations of today Evan Rachel Wood and others can be named after Marilyn Manson as his abuser, Loma Vista would like to promote his current album, with immediate effect “, said Loma Vista in a statement.

“Debits have these pre-occupational developments, we have also decided not to work with Marilyn Manson in no future project “.

Starz it is actively eliminating the remaining episodes of Season 3 of American Gods in what interprets a rocker vikingo; and AMC’s Shudder has aired its episodes of the second period of the anthology Creep display.

Manson respond to the accusations of Wood diciendo: “My intimate relationships have always been completely consensual with affine ideas societies. Independently of como, and for what, now eligen tergiversar the passage, it is the world”. Since then no public statement has been made.

California State Senator Susan Rubio wrote to the FBI Director investigating the allegations against Manson. Wood posted the card on his Instagram page.
