Police: hay advanced investigations into ambientists and communicator crimes

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

The Governor of Honduras conveys a communiqué announcing the deaths of the ambientist leaders Félix Vásquez and Adán Mejía, as well as the social communicator Pedro Canelas, occurred in the last month, at a time when the magnitude and transcendence that these highs represent the institutionalism of the country.

The communiqué details that it has ordered the corresponding investigative dependencies not to escalate into “objective, opportunistic and effective indentations” in turn to these deaths, by which Security Secretariat, afirma, has advanced investigations to deal with those responsible for these crimes.

The leader of the Ethiopian toluán Adán Mejía was finally taken aback by the passing of the dead while working in a finica located in the municipality of Morazán, in the center of Honduras, three days after the appointment of the camp director of the ethnic ethnic group, Fél. As a result, four women were imprisoned and given the life of Vázquez, who was nominated by the Freedom and Refund Party (Libre), who resides in the department of La Paz.

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Last December 19, Pedro Canelas, owner of Radio Bamby, violin form violin in the municipality of Dulce Nombre de Culmí, in the department of Olancho. Agreeing with information, attacking tires on an unknown subject being transported on a motorcycle. Cinnamon, originally from Gualaco, was not found in the area of ​​the attack, and the plot was taken to an assistance center from which it was then expired.

Teach the people in charge

“We ratify the compromise to guarantee that these cases will not be imposed on the impunity, by continuing to support all investigations in order for those responsible to recover all the money and to advance in the search for solutions to the structural causes that arise. riesgo para quienes defienden los derechos humanos “, aggregate the public writing of Poder Ejecutivo.

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El Gobierno compromised on “improving current deficiencies through the protection mechanism of human rights defenders, periodicals, social communicators and justice operators, in order for them to be able to operate their work and provide security and freedom of service”.

The Honorable President Juan Orlando Hernández applied to the National Council for Protection to hold an extraordinary session to analyze the situation and make recommendations for improving the implementation of the National System of Protection, with the support of those who support it.
