Police detained in Maluma while driving his car

Without doubt the rostro of Maluma is known all over the world by the people who lie to it ‘n encontrar en la calle do not hesitate to pedal a photo.

Tal como hizo a policy that al verl in one of its brightest engines no tuvo repair and mark the alto and follow only a photo, without delay a video.

Through the program’s Twitter account ‘Venga la Alegría’, shared a video where you can go to the female very emotional to meet with the singer.

The policy to perpetuate what was the Colombian no dudo en sorprenderlo y pedirle that is destroyed, petition to the fact that Maluma acceded to no problem.

And yet, by Maluma’s cable court, it’s created that the video is recent, is not safe cuándo y donde fue grabado.

