Pokémon Red can somehow now be played on a Twitter avatar

A few years ago, the phenomenon “Twitch Plays PokémonBriefly embraced the world of nerds and within a few days developed its own dramatic and memorable mythology. This allowed people in a Twitch stream to follow the instructions of the Pokémon game is played on screen via comments. That concept has since gained a lot of traction in various ways. The latest evolution of this idea comes from Twitter users Constantin Liétard, which made it possible to play Pokémon Red in the user’s Twitter avatar.

Everyone can basically tweet a command – “Up”, “Down”, “Left”, “Right”, “A”, “B”, “Start” or “Select” – and the most selected command is the following command must occurs in the game. Then the Twitter avatar is updated with an image representing the new state of the game. The Twitter avatar image updates every 15 seconds, which basically means that one action is performed in Pokémon Red every 15 seconds.

If you want to get especially serious with your play through of Pokémon Red on a Twitter avatar, you can even connect to a Discord server about it.

Let us know if you will try to win Pokémon Red on social media. It’s such a strange and unique setup that Nintendo will hopefully not erase it.

