The Opposition Party of the Dominican Liberation (PLD) has agreed to allow the transformations being carried out by this organization to be released in the virtual plenary sessions where it will approve the current members of the Central Committee and agree to create 300 new bodies in this for at least 955 members who will perform their duties for four years.
“The President, Vice-Presidents and the Secretary General will not be able to hold office in the Dominican State without running for office. In the event that it decides to aspire to an electoral charge, it will have to renounce the partisan functions that it intends to announce its aspirations, ”said one of the decisions adopted by the celebrations on 19, 20 and 21 of this month, as part of the decisions of the IX Congress Ordinario José Joaquín Bidó Medina.
In addition, a transitional tariff was approved, indicating that in the period 2021-2025 the Central Committee will currently include 460 members, legislators, aldermen and municipal directors elected in March and July commissions this year. Also, the “proposals by the Political Committee” and other 300 members will be elected at the local, national and outdoor levels.
Consultative Committee
The PLD also created a Consultative Committee, which is integrated with the members of the Political Committee that does not continue as part of this body.
Attempts are being made to reduce the number of dizzying militia parties as one of the requisites to become a member of the Central Committee, which will be an opportunity for the youth to join this organization.
In addition, the Electoral Judicial Commission will be created, an organization that will ensure the regulation of the party’s internal electoral processes.
Assimismo will implement within the party a political training center and governing body, which will operate as a body of study in political, electoral and public administration support. A single important aspect of the approvals is the continuation to continue the modernization of the organization, establishing that the PLD will develop a digital or electronic partition format, which will allow to perform and manage online all necessary processes for the life it will migrate its manual processes to electronic and / or virtual formats, guaranteeing efficiency and the majority of the political result ”, expresses a document.
The decisions were announced by the Organizing Committee of the IX Congrego Ordinario José Joaquín Bidó Medina, in a press conference at the national home of the PLD.
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The informants
At the press conference where the PLD received the details of the student Cristina Lizardo, chair of the coordinating committee of the congress; Andrés Navarro, Alejandrina Germán, Abel Martínez, Danilo Díaz, Thelma Eusebio, José La Luz, Margarita Pimentel, Armando García, Clara Cruz, Juan Ariel Jiménez, Jhonny Pujols, Esperanza de Dios Ramírez, Zoraima Puello.