PLD dobbeltsteen con medio año de gobierno ya son muchas las promesas incumplidas por el Gobierno

The Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), the leader of the opposition, criticized President Luis Abinader’s speech of indignation, while demonstrating that “with only a year of governing, there are many unfulfilled promises”.

Just finalized the discourse of the mandate, legislators of the PLD of both rooms fijaron position respect to the rendition of accounts.

“If he wants to be a governor, and very well, he will annotate the logos of the former governor. This is what he said when he mentioned clear initiative initiatives that are clearly not implemented by his administration”, uitdrukking Iván Lorenzo, vocero del PL Senado.

The vocation, which reads the position of the PLD rodeo of fellow legislators, denounces that the current governor has not completed any of his promises.

Among the promises that have been made are the food and combustion baths, the protection of health, the loss of money, the reduction of investments, the lack of an education plan and a secure mayor on calls.

In the same way, the actual governing body is classified as “sin rumbo, which improvises and changes the opinion of the diary because it does not have a plan and does not lose popularity”.

“¿Is this the cambio of which we hablaron? ¿A cambio del día a la noche entre lo que dijeron que iban a hacer and lo que in realadad estan haciendo?”, Cuestionó Lorenzo.

In this sense, he wanted to reiterate the “inexperience and chaos of the PRM” and the ante that “the Dominican people are paying”.

During some of the speeches of President Luis Abinader, the PLD’s observers were asked by both legislative chambers not to applaud or avoid appearances on occasions when the rest were done.
