Players who ‘suck the lottery’ to go to Cruz Azul

Before the inauguration of Alexis Peña in La Máquina we will record other players who are surprised by his allegiance to the cements

Through the aminente llegada de Alexis Peña a Cruz Azul the failure of two days of the registrar of registers in the MX League, due to the anticipation of the disciplinary problem in Chivas in the past month of November.

In ESPN Digital we record the players who ‘suck the lottery’ at the Cruz Azul.

The failure of two records of the registrar, Alexis Peña found refuge in Cruz Azul, lie that it was not considered by the Chivas directive was separated and collocated as oordraagbaar player, lie of an extra discipline in the last month of November.

Money, which appears registered as a player of Guadalajara in the present tournament, is signed with option to buy by the capital team, according to which the zaguero has no participation with the rojiblanco team and also considered the band.

The central defender surpasses the basic strengths of the Toluca, a team of four teams with the team Escarlata with many good ones, the Mexican team looked for an opportunity in different teams in the MX League, but did not have to leave the team 2017.

Maximiliano Biancucchi

The Argentine midfielder crossed the Cruz Azul in 2010 through a long process in Paraguayan football and a brief stage in Brazil, without embarrassment, the attacker became a full-fledged Mexican footballer by being the first of Lionel Messi, in parentheses with the Barcelona’s striker, his return much later than 32 games will mark a total of six annotations.

Francinilson Meirelles (Maranhão)

The Brazilian attacker joined the team of Cruz Azul from the Torneo Clausura 2012, following the Esporte Clube Bahia de Brasil. Maranhão surprendio in Mexican football and the followers of the Celeste conjunction with his low yield, pese a la velocidad and gambeta that the character, the player only permanently held a semester with the capital conjunct.

Danilo Verge

The Brazilian midfielder went to the Atlas at the time in 2005, in accordance with the games that are characterized by burning some of the best quality in some encounters, a situation that was surprisingly that Cruz Azul hiccuped during his services in the month of 2006 , ended to regress to Brazilian football before his return.

José Carlos Toffolo Junior (Germany)

Following a lengthy lawsuit in Brazilian and Italian football, Cruz Azul obtained the services of the Brazilian delirio ‘Alemão’ from the Torneo Clausura 2015, the surprise and proprietary sheet in Mexican football, without embarrassment, in 10 we will mark a total of three goals, a situation in which only the permission will be extended six months with the Celeste institution.
