Players are at least halfway around 3.5 million arcs in the Super Mario Bros. 35 challenge to kill

Super mario bros 35 world score challengeNintendo

A few weeks ago, Nintendo released the Super Mario Bros. 35 World Count Challenge announced and celebrated the announcement of Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury by asking players to … kill Bowser. As, very.

If players worldwide beat 3.5 million Bowsers by 23:00 at 23:00 on January 25, each participating player who beat at least one Bowser will receive 350 Platinum points as a reward. The game will of course cease to exist on March 31, so what better way to celebrate the last days than to mercilessly throw Bowser into a lava shower? This is what he would have liked.

The event started on January 19, and it took players 6 days to reach 1,498,560 Bowsers. By the way, it’s not actually halfway – more than 42% of the way. The remaining 2 million killed Bowsers must be reached within the next 13 hours. Unlikely? Well, we’ve seen underdog victories nail-biting before, right?

[update: the figure in the tweet was actually achieved on the 20th January, so the 3.5 million Bowser goal is probably well within reach. That’s much better news!]

What do you think, people? Will we scrape a win in the final hours, or will the reward of 350 Platinum points stay just beyond our reach?
