Planea Lucía Méndez reunites with Luis Miguel his ex-lover

In a recent interview with the iconic actress Lucía Méndez, invited the star of a program by Yordi Rosado, the historian who shared the letter of romantic history that he lived with Luis Miguel al cual parece extraunar aún ¿Buscará reencuentro con el “Sol”?

The Mexican artist, Lucía Méndez“Continues to talk about the great controversy surrounding the disappearance of a bitter amorous relationship with the lame”Sol de México“, debit the beautiful moments that both vivieron juntos, the famous compartment that busriía to the origin of Puerto Rico to realize a petition.

Want to review your past romance?

Ahora, the Mexican singer also revealed a sueño that these highs result in a total scandal to confess that sueña reencontrarse con su exam @ nte, “Luismi“, on the other hand, the famous woman who was kept alive in the middle of nowhere, detailing a new project in the bus that includes” Sol “:” Lucía Méndez presenta “.

I would love to have this charla with her, because apart from her much love, and when we treat her and salime, we have a very entertaining relationship. Sí, voy a tratar de tener al ‘Sol’ ”.

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What will happen will be different years “reina de telenovelas“Search for your new project and search no less than the starlight for those who invite you to the guest list, which indicates that the rooms of the” Ventaneando “program. Do you accept the song?

In the middle of this also surgen curtas dudas about the “divo of mexico“There was a complaint to complain about whether he wanted to listen, and if he had known, it would not be easy to establish contact with him, but he would have the fame of 66 years if he had to decide to go to this party.” Voy a luchar “.

On the other hand, the “Diana Salazar” protagonist recorded in practice the dicho “he has nothing to laugh about that he does not want”, reveals that he intends to perform a quote, “a charla more than interview”, “yo también lucharé por tener al Sol “, señaló al medio vespertino.

The interest of his part in contrast to the participation of the interpreter of “La Media Vuelta” surgeon derivative of the enormous quarry that has revealed itself by him, there are also many good records of the relationship that both sustained by the decade of the 80, when conocieron en un Festival de Viña del Mar.

As I know, Luis Miguel has brought many different conquests and many of the most beautiful women he has gone through in his life for what he destined. “El Rostro del Heraldo de México“(1972), no escape to the artists’ encantos.

The Mexican-Estadounidresse, revealing the experiences of the interview with Yordi, very special moments of the amorous relationship letter that he shared with “Micky”, in this entone she was a reconciled figure of the spectacle

For its part, the “astro rey”, not ten years old, although we had one more year to conquer Lucia, which was one of the most acclaimed and enchanted performers with a large fan base y las mujeres quedaban rendidas a sus pies.

Recorded protagonist of stories such as “Viviana”, “Colorina”, “Muchacha italiana viene a casarse” in many other places, in the conversation “Los Secretos de una Diva”, various collection of anecdotes that you already had with Luis Miguel .

La mendez“Explain abiertamente that both the ingenious pasaban, and although the artist was much more youthful than she, and there was no ninth, without embarrassment, the relationship that ended was a lie that decided to end with him, supuestamente sense” remordimientos “, account the “diva” to the presenter, relives the anecdotes of the interview in this case.

We can also learn! Ya es abuela! Lucía Méndez compares feliz ¿Y Luis Miguel?

Fue par esos aosos conoccio al que serio su esposo, el producer Pedro Torres, padre de su unico hijo, que además cabe meniona, es otra de las polemicas que semempre han perseguido la vida de histriónica.
