Place the municipal sufre caída de 30 pies by alcantarilla sin tapa in San Lorenzo

An employee of the municipality of San Lorenzo finds himself in condition of care when he suffers from a chain of 30 pieces of wood on an alcantarilla, as well as the 4:15 of the madrugada, in the street 4 of the urbanization Ciudad Masso.

In a press release, the Police inform that the man of 64 years is working for the Public Works Department of the municipal municipality.

According to the querella, while the employee finds himself working in the backyard, “no alcantarilla is found that does not have the security tape provided inside the fence, which has an altitude of 30 pieces approximated”.

The victim was transported by air ambulance from Aeromed to the Río Piedras Medical Center.

Agent Damaris Claudio, located in the district of San Lorenzo, is in charge of the investigation.
