Pirates ‘Hackers’ 150,000 Hospital, Prison, Prison, Police and Tesla Hospital Vigilance Cameras

The collective that found publicly posting on the Internet the information necessary for the ‘hack’ also obtained access to the video archive, all in 4K resolution. The most affected action was taken by EE.UU companies.

‘N Groep van’ hackers’ logró obtain access to live transmissions of 150,000 emergency rooms installed inside various hospitals, Police departments, prisons and schools of EE.UU., as well as in Tesla plants and the offices of proof of the ‘software’ Cloudflare, says the information about myércoles Bloomberg.

The data of the security cameras, collected by the business company Verkada, were hacked this month by an international group of ‘hackers’ called ‘Amenaza persistent advance 69420’ that tenia as objectively show the omnipresence of the video in the video .

The ‘hackeo’ alcance is very significant and can affect the plants of the North American country. The computer pirates pudieron see videos of the interior of Health clinics for women, psychiatric hospitals and up to the offices of the Verkada property. At the same time, some of the ‘hacked’ rooms, including those installed in hospitals, utilizing gesig recognition technology.

A video of the rooms of Halifax Health Hospital, in Florida State, also shows employees moving to a room against a bed, while other agents from a police station in Stoughton (Massachusetts) interrogated a an exposed man.

Hallan is a vulnerability that allows a hacker to be controlled, and forms an iPhone connection with a misma red wifi that is a video

In other images, filmed inside a Tesla store in Shanghai (China), can be seen working on an assembly line. The ‘hackers’ ensure that obtovieron access to a total of 222 rooms in Tesla’s factories and shops. In addition, there are 330 pirate dents inside the Madison Conditional Circuit in Huntsville, Alabama.

By the way, the ‘hackers’ must also have access to the video archive of Verkada’s clients, documents that include interviews between the Police and suspects of crimes, all in 4K high definition resolution. Additionally, we could download the complete list of miles of Verkada customers, as well as the company’s private financial information.

How do the ‘hackers’ hicieron?

Access to Verkada’s rooms was obtained through a ‘superadministrador’ account, which has a number of users and contraseña fueron encontrados Public spending on the Internet.

One of the ‘hackers’, Tillie Kottmann, explained to his log group that they obtain ‘root’ access to the cameras, which means that the user can execute their own code. In some cases, these can be allowed to gain access to the largest corporate network of Verkada customers, or secure the rooms and users like platform to launch future attacks. In addition to the degree of access to the rooms no additional pirate is required, there is a function incorporated.

The action of computer pirates “exposes almost as many points as being vigilantly vigilant and the little care that is taken in protecting the platforms used for hacking, whenever gunmen are attacked”, verklaar Kottmann. “It is unbelievable that we can see the things that we always expect, but that we have no right to see”, he said.

Response from Verkada

Announce the notice of a Verkada communiqué spokesperson that the company deactivate all admin accounts intern to avoid any access not authorized “.” Our internal security team and the external security company are investigating the scale and severity of this problem, and we will notify the authorities, “he said.

After Bloomberg discovered that he had been in contact with Verkada, the computer pirates had signaled that he had lost access to the videos and archives.

If it looks interesting, I agree with my friends!
