Piqué vuelve a la carga: ” ¿Como no van a pitar a favor de Real Madrid? ” – Diez

Gerard Piqué volvió to pick up the microphones while recovering from his injury, with the sight able to help the Barcelona in the final octaves of the Champions against the Powerful PSG.

The whatsapp with which Piqué intended to return to Messi

The defender, who finished 34 years ago, sparked a controversy over Post United in which the news of the azulgrana team is updated and its relationship with the players of the Real Madrid and if any, the white elastic has become.


” The other day is an exorbitant day that 85% of his heirs are from Madrid. How did you come to win in Madrid? Although unconsciously, will you not want to shoot more of a band than the other? Respect the professionalism of the workers and if the intention is to make the most work possible, but when it comes to a moment of doubt … ”.

¿Los futbolistas mandan?

” If any of us mandate it because we asked. Because tenian that tomar decidissings no las tomaban y delegaban. In the end, the player is here to play football. Cuanto menos decida, mejor ”.

¿Sergio Ramos and Messi mandan?

Yo creo que no, estoy convendísimo. Tienen ascendcia y pueden dar su opinión y, ader part de ahí, las decisiones pueden ir por un lado u otro. You, when you have a directive or a president who is very strong, who has clear ideas and wants to have a lad, the judge has little to say. Sergio is an example, with the renovation that is underway, when it has a presidential force and takes a decision and wants to cover this truck, the players do not have much ”.

Regalaron a Luis Suárez

” I’m wondering what he’s going to do. It’s not my fault ”.

Piqué has a new coach for Andorra

Relationship with Sergio Ramos

” Hablo con él, pero no de su renovanion. We live very well. With the Madrid the relationship is very good ”.

The shirt of Real Madrid

Jamas me la he puesto. They changed and connected Madrid tights at home. Tengo de Cristiano, Benzema, Ramos … varias. It’s superior to me with ponérmela ”.

The Champions

” To win the Champions League you have to play against these teams. Recall one that we are playing against the champion of each League. Fue drieling, which for short we have two. To win, hay that wins the best, as in 2015 ”.

The social media players

‘Each one has what it takes. Everything is very unbelievable. There are people who are more comfortable participating in Twitter and people who are not. There are some who are more comfortable in Andorra and others who no. We are a country in which the envy is one of the few things that have as a society and that all the decisions that are taken are worthwhile. If a judge decides if he or she says it is correct. Everyone wants to know that it is better for their families and their children. We want to live a little longer ”.
