Pillar Rubio celebrates his companion with a photo of the entrance and it’s why he’s his wife, Sergio Ramos

The guapa conductor laughs at his 43 years of disposing emotions between his more than 5 million followers and his wife.

Por S. López | 18 March 2021- 14:56

Distilling love! Here is Sergio Ramos for his column Pillar Rubio who is celebrating his 43rd birthday.

Pintas nuestra vida de sonrisas, ternura, belleza e inteligencia. We discovered the world in a lighter way and with a firm mind. We have everything, because of you, to me, to our wives and to our family. I could not be more fortunate than to be able to count on him, always. I love it, I love it. Happy birthday! “, Commented on the defense of Real Madrid.

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This is the image that Sergio shared to congratulate on his love. Photo: illustrative and non-commercial character image / www.instagram.com/p/CMg5RjIB-nE/

Ante semejantes palabras, Pilar reaccionó como toda esposa enamorada: “Muchas gracias, mi amor @sergioramos. “All the companions of the goddesses celebrate the queer endeavors of this pure and local way,” said the conductor of El Hormiguero.

For his part, he shared a photo on his Instagram account to commemorate his birth. In it can be seen presumptive its tornadoes piernas.

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Pillar alborotó with its more than 5 million followers with this image. Photo: Illustrative and non-commercial character image / www.instagram.com/p/CMiFspsjHC-/

And although it seems to be working hard, Pilar is taking a look at the details of its special program. “When I go to the house to celebrate the celebrity, I love”, he said in his publication.

Only now can I hope to see the photos or stories that the couple shared, through their social speeches, in order to discover how much the celebration took place.
