Pierluisi justifies the celebration of a position in the middle of the pandemic: “Always have someone critical”

El gobernador electo Pedro Pierluisi he defended today, March, the assistance of 400 people at his judging ceremony on this 2nd year of March, in the wake of the recent COVID-19 pandemic in Puerto Rico.

“I can guarantee the people that we have no reason to be more prudent in organizing the activity,” Pierluisi said, announcing five new designs to his cabinet.

“This act is taking place with some strict media. Nunca antes vistas. Alli did not piss on her that she did not have a negative test of COVID-19, a test of antigens that is what is widely available and is not a question of what is missing tests. It’s trying to be sober, ”he said, referring to molestation.

The number of invited guests to Pierluisi’s position has generated multiple criticisms, including a multidisciplinary event that took place in the midst of one of the worst moments of the Puerto Rican pandemic and while an executive is active that , between other things, try the agglomerations, the visits to the beach (salvo to make sports of individual form), the sale of alcoholic beverages between the madrugada of the saturday and the madrugada of the lunes and that maintains a total of the dominoes.

Pierluisi made it clear that he did not pay attention to the criticisms that signaled a double warning between him being a citizen and what the politicians did, and recalled that his activity was executable by the executive order.

“Always have someone critical, there are times when there is a diversity of opinion, other times there is a lack of information, other times are on the party political agenda. I respect the critics. Pero the act of holding the office of governor is established in our constitution. It is an indispensable formality in a democracy like the one we live in Puerto Rico. And this act is being carried to the head by a stricken medium, never before seen.”, Dijo. “When we have 400 (invited), there is no doubt that more than enough people, legislators and couples, they are in the 300-person number,” he said.

In addition, we do not consider the number of guests to be high.

“It is not when the norm is that this type of activity accepts 3,000 people. Creo that the numbers hablan for his solos, destaco a preguntas de El Nuevo Día.

More well, the act that is “like a good family man to celebrate the activity and exhort the people” and that the presence of traverses in the media.

A protracted activity, led by Pierluisi’s celebrations, was held at the White House when President Donald Trump presented to Judge Amy Coney Barrett as a candidate to occupy the vacant position in the Federal Supreme Court that led to the death of Ruth. Bader Ginsburg. There is an active participation of 400 people and more than 20 results against COVID-19, including Trump.

The Department of Health reports that four new deaths have been reported by COVID-19, which raised 1,460 total deaths associated with the virus since the start of the pandemic, in addition to 947 confirmed positive cases, 260 probable positive cases and 694 positive cases suspicious.

Cero revés

On the other hand, Pierluisi acknowledged that he was satisfied with a review that did not approve during the extraordinary session a project that the hubie allowed to name in the property of Nino Correa to provide a cargo of Negotiation for the Emergency and Administration of Disaster Management (NMEAD).

The legislative piece, proposed by Pierluisi in order to be awaited by the new Progress Mayor, will not be approved and will be amended to be submitted to the Public Security Department in order for the NMEAD commission not to have a master’s degree. I will not write to you with this requisite.

“We can not revise everything because we have not started. We will start the 2nd (of January) ”, said Pierluisi.

The question of why a review should not be considered if the Legislature is composed by the legislators of the New Progressive Party that he presides over, Pierluisi says that he does not enter into the “interiors of the legislative process”.

“Otra vez, hay que enfocarnos en el 2 de enero en adelante. You travel a tener una nueva Asamblea Legislativa. The president of the groups is the leader of the Popular Democratic Party and not my party. This is because of all known and he has expressed that he is to be in the major union of cooperating, conciliating and making fronts common with the new leadership of the Legislative Assembly for the good of Puerto Rico ”, afirmó.

Además, anticipo que dejará a Correa en el cargo aunque no cumpla con todos los requisitos dispon la la.

“Nino Correa queda con o sin sin titlo, él va a estar en esa agencia”, verklaar Pierluisi.

Asked about the alleged resignation of the Executive Director of the Carriage and Transport Authority (ACT), Rosana Aguila, the elective governor revealed that the critics who received the officer during the transition visits, decided to present his resignation.

“It’s all known that it is the object of criticism in the process of transitioning debt to federal funds available to improve the fitness of the Tren Urbano stations, and the different stations of the Tren Urbano, and possibly cause maladministration and decision to regress to the private sector “, said Pierluisi.

Reitero that together with the designation of the Department of Transportation and Public Works, Eileen Vélez, will hire a new person to direct the ACT.
