Pierluisi justifies an increase in AEE invoice by alza at the expense of combustible

Dos días despu de que se diera a conomo en aumento en la billura de la luz, el gobernador de Puerto Rico, Pedro Pierluisi, defendi el mismo ya que asegura se tata de een reflejo del alza at the cost of combustible.

“Like Gobernador, I definitely do not agree with the fact that there is no increase in the bill for light due to inefficiencies or administrative failures in the Electricity Authority. Well, it’s just surging as a consequence that the cost of the barrel of oil has gone up, similar to what succeeds at the cost of gasoline “, commented in written statements the first mandate.

Concerning the combustible, Pierluisi indicates that one of its main methods is complementary to the Ley 17-2019 of Política Pública Energética, which seeks to transform the electrical system in order to reduce our dependence on fossil combustibles, “which costs to control and its ambient level “.

The recommendation:

The executive explained the functions of the Energy Negotiation, created by Ley 57-2014, as an Independent, Aseguran that “is the one responsible for evaluating the information that the AEE provides with relations and reconciliations by buying combustible and buying energy every three months.During the war, as a result of this reconciliation and the low cost of combustion, the Negotiated hizo this reconciliation and precisely the light has already increased by 17 cents the kilowatt hour.The proceedings of the public, as public Resolutions and orders issued, in addition to the transparency required in these processes “.

“Our government will have a compliment to the public energy policy that we demand renewable energy and that we are directing all our efforts. We are reconstructing and transforming our electricity system so that we do not have to reduce our emissions. we are going to move to energy and renewable energy, so that we can institutionalize our energy costs “, aggregate.
