Pierluisi is’ na ano del “lockdown” and insists on a no bajar la guardia: “Seguimos luchando contra la pandemia”

The governor of Puerto Rico, Pedro Pierluisi, reiterates estunes in the wake of a televised message that the world and Puerto Rico are continuing to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, which implies maintaining the recommended contraceptive methods and established protocols the country has a vaccine against the coronavirus vaccination.

“A year ago, Puerto Rico began to experience a new reality, a global pandemic never before seen in its modern history. We have learned a lot, we have had great life losses, we have learned and recorded, and we have advanced greatly in our battle against this virus ”, afirmó Pierluisi.

“It is true that the encroachment and the restrictions have been long lasting and we all want to return to normalcy. Without embarrassment, however, the level of contagios has dropped considerably and there is light at the end of the tunnel, with only a few facing the pandemic. No podemos bajar la guardia. All those who continue using the mascarillas, maintaining the physical distance, using disinfectant and taking the contraceptives ”, subrayó el gobernador.

View the message:

🔴 IN VIVO | Gobernador Pierluisi offers a message to the people after completing a year of closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Posted by La Fortaleza de PR on Monday, March 15, 2021

The first executive is that since the pandemic started this year, it has been actively making recommendations to prevent contagion, to abandon the health care system and to prioritize the education system, maintaining these postures as governor.

“First and foremost, he has the assessment of a Scientific Coalition composed of experts to ensure that the decision-making process is based on scientific data. At the same time, it has maintained a communication link with all the economic and social sectors to ensure that we meet its requirements, ”he added, adding that his response to the pandemic has been multisectoral.

Pierluisi argued in his message that, based on the information he received from the various sectors, “He acted in a prudent and conservative manner, always salvaging the well-being of the people and pushing the balance to mitigate the donations to our economy and velar for our quality of life.”

The first executive point is that the effect of the pandemic on the education of children and children “has its place”. “Given that education is one of the greatest responsibilities that we have as a society, it is firm that regressing the education of gradual and pathological education is indispensable to complement our students.”. In this regard, the promotion complies with the corresponding terms of all the schools.

On the other hand, the establishment of public policy in the wake of one of its first executive orders has significantly increased access to COVID’s diagnostic tests in Puerto Rico, stating that it has been living in Cov. , the antigen testing events that have resulted in Massive Form Work through the island.

This series of events, however, has helped to “have a clearer retrieval of the virus situation, identifying cases, for survivors and trying treatment”. In addition to these events, the Secretary of Designation of Salud, Carlos Mellado, has been reconciling that, in general terms, he has had a mermaid in the amount of people who attend to carry out the molecular test of the distinguished visitors, by which also invited do not pay the guard to pay for the advances that he has in the vacancy.

“We follow the necessary changes in the Executive Orders, with a great deal of prudence and a base of scientific information, such as the level of positivity and mortality, the hospitalizations and the capacity of our health care system”, subray the first executive.

Replace the vacancy

As a result of the vacancy, the first phases of vacancy implemented in Iceland, including the vacancy of health care professionals, first responders, and the staff working in public and private schools, as well as the spouses, have been reviewed. impulsed for the vacancy of mayors adults, a process that is prioritized with mayor enfasis mediating an administrative order of Salud luego that the agency enfrentara señalamientos public.

“We are destined for the majority of vacancies that we have since the age of 65 in our adults, which are the most vulnerable to this virus. With the increase in the number of vacancies, we are aiming to expand the vacancies to other vulnerable sectors and groups that are in need of essential services, ”Pierluisi said. Regarding this particular, Mellado says that the closest group in terms of priority for vacancy is the correspondent of the food chain workers, although no specific date is mentioned for the inoculation of these workers, including.

“We have not received the reindeer herding equipment during the mass evacuation, we need the discipline of all with the use of mascara, distance, and contraception. Tomará todavía un poco más de tiempo para podernos abrazar com soliamos hacerlo antes, pero que nadie tenga dudas, que eso sera pronto ”, appoint Pierluisi.

In his message to one year of the beginning of the emergence in the island, also argues that its emphasis on addressing the pandemic is a balance in the decisions, “always salvage the health and safety of all, to be able to affect the least possible in our country economy and our quality of life ”.

Pierluisi added, in addition, to President Joe Biden the guarantee in the receipt of vacancies in the island, in accordance with the conditions that the states of the United States and record that the mandate converts in its plan of rescata against the coronavirus, which can be calculated will have an impact of around $ 12,000 million in Puerto Rico and will allow a majority of Isla residents to receive a check for $ 1,400.

“In my opinion, the agility in terms of all the aid schemes to all our employers and merchants, as well as the direct funds to our people, is a priority,” he said.

🔴 EN VIVO | Gobernador Pierluisi ofrece mensaje al pueblo tras cumplirse un año del cierre por la pandemia del COVID-19.

Posted by La Fortaleza de PR on Monday, March 15, 2021

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Al mismo tiempo he mantenido una estrecha comunicación con todos los sectores económicos y sociales para asegurar que atendemos sus retos”, añadió, al defender que su plan de respuesta a la pandemia ha sido uno multisectorial.","type":"text"},{"_id":"36YVFVXLGRFAVK3QXTW3DNFQLI","additional_properties":{},"content":"Pierluisi argumentó en su mensaje que, basado en la información que ha recibido de los diversos sectores, “he actuado de forma prudente y conservadora, siempre salvaguardando la salud del pueblo y buscando el balance al mitigar los daños a nuestra economía y velar por nuestra calidad de vida”.","type":"text"},{"_id":"CDKMRH2FUZCJFDA7GZPKNMOSGA","additional_properties":{},"content":"El primer ejecutivo puntualizó en que el efecto de la pandemia en la educación de los niños y niñas “ha sido severo”. “Dado que la educación es una de las responsabilidades más grandes que tenemos como sociedad, he sido firme en que regresar a la educación presencial de forma gradual y paulatina es indispensable para cumplir con nuestros estudiantes”. En esa dirección, prometió cumplir con el acondicionamiento correspondiente de todas las escuelas.","type":"text"},{"_id":"E6MWMNKSNZGK5C7KQ3RARQJJZU","additional_properties":{},"content":"De otra parte, recordó que estableció como política pública a través de una de sus primeras órdenes ejecutivas, aumentar “significativamente” el acceso a las pruebas diagnósticas de COVID en Puerto Rico, instrucción que sostuvo se ha estado llevando a cabo a través de los llamados Coviveos, los eventos de prueba de antígeno que ha realizado Salud de forma masiva a través de la isla.","type":"text"},{"_id":"TTRRXHFH2ZDKVEJIAWTDXBUT6Q","additional_properties":{},"content":"Esa serie de eventos, apuntó, ha ayudado a “tener un retrato más claro de la situación del virus, y a identificar casos, para aislarlos y proveerles tratamiento”. A pesar de estos eventos, el secretario designado de Salud, Carlos Mellado, reconoció hoy que, en términos generales, ha habido una merma en la cantidad personas acudiendo a realizarse la prueba molecular a través de los distintos proveedores, por lo que también invitó a no bajar la guardia a pesar de los avances que haya en la vacunación.","type":"text"},{"_id":"HWBWXHXKCFGIXJDADKQAPSWCBM","additional_properties":{},"content":"“Seguiremos haciendo los cambios necesarios en las Ordenes Ejecutivas, con mucha prudencia y a base de información científica, como la tasa de positividad y de mortalidad, las hospitalizaciones y la capacidad de nuestro sistema de salud”, subrayó el primer ejecutivo.","type":"text"},{"_id":"DUBRLTSH6FAYHKHLFLGNOENUYQ","additional_properties":{},"content":"Repasa la vacunación","level":4,"type":"header"},{"_id":"G3EPXLB6EJHVNCVI3BQAWBDDMQ","additional_properties":{},"content":"En cuanto a la vacunación, repasó las primeras fases de vacunación implementadas en la isla, comenzando con la vacunación de los proveedores y profesionales de la salud, los primeros respondedores, y el personal que labora en las escuelas públicas y privadas, así como los esfuerzos impulsados para la vacunación de adultos mayores, un proceso que se priorizó con mayor énfasis mediante una orden administrativa de Salud luego que la agencia enfrentara señalamientos públicos.","type":"text"},{"_id":"T7FPU35VFNH7TN2XK7XUHC2V2M","additional_properties":{},"content":"“Destinamos la mayoría de las vacunas que nos llegan desde enero a nuestros adultos mayores de 65 años, que son los más vulnerables a este virus. Con la llegada de más vacunas, estamos empezando a expandir la vacunación a otros sectores vulnerables y a grupos que están rindiendo servicios esenciales”, señaló Pierluisi. Sobre este particular, Mellado dijo más temprano que el próximo grupo en términos de prioridad para vacunación es el correspondiente a los trabajadores de la cadena de alimentos, aunque no mencionó una fecha precisa para la inoculación de estos trabajadores, incluyendo a los empleados de restaurantes.","type":"text"},{"_id":"RNFQAK62SJFQFNUWYBGMPN26AQ","additional_properties":{},"content":"“Hasta que no obtengamos la inmunidad de rebaño a través de la vacunación masiva, necesitamos la disciplina de todos con el uso de la mascarilla, el distanciamiento, y las medidas de prevención. Tomará todavía un poco más de tiempo para podernos abrazar como solíamos hacerlo antes, pero que nadie tenga dudas, que eso será pronto”, apuntó Pierluisi.","type":"text"},{"_id":"T6LU6T6AVVHETAKRUA4P5EBPZI","additional_properties":{},"content":"En su mensaje a un año del inicio del cierre de emergencia en la isla, también argumentó que su énfasis para atender la pandemia es un balance en las decisiones, “siempre salvaguardando la salud y seguridad de todos, pero logrando afectar lo menos posible a nuestra economía y nuestra calidad de vida”.","type":"text"},{"_id":"RIMVYNBUJJDUTFUOEQ7CQBFRY4","additional_properties":{},"content":"Pierluisi agradeció, además, al presidente Joe Biden la garantía en el recibo de vacunas en la isla, en igualdad de condiciones que los estados de Estados Unidos y recordó que el mandatario convirtió en ley su plan de rescate contra el coronavirus, que se calcula puede tener un impacto de cerca de $12,000 millones en Puerto Rico y permitirá que una abrumadora mayoría de los residentes de la Isla reciba un cheque de $1,400.","type":"text"},{"_id":"PE4DVWVPFRCGDG2JGOESEY3VWE","additional_properties":{},"content":"“En mi gobierno, la agilidad en cuanto a los desembolsos de todas las ayudas a todos nuestros emprendedores y comerciantes, así como los fondos directos a nuestra gente, es y será una prioridad”, prometió.","type":"text"}], "contentRestriction": "default", "contentType": "news", "createdDate": "2021-03-15T19: 41: 10.772Z", "description": "", "disableAds": false, "disableComments" : false, "displayDate": "2021-03-15T20: 01: 42.125Z", "editorialGenre": "", "editorsNote": "", "firstPublishDate": "2021-03-15T20: 01: 44.275Z" , "headline": "A one year of" lockdown ", Pierluisi urges a no bajar la guardia:" Seguimos luchando contra la pandemia "", "id": "3FRB2KDOARG6JEJA4S3WEAJK4I", "sleutelwoorde": "Pedro Pierluisi, La Fortaleza, COVID-19, pandemic "," language ":" spanish "," lastUpdatedDate ":" 2021-03-15T21: 28: 51.196Z "," mainImageUrl ":" https://www.elnuevodia.com/resizer/qr1_zM_3Qezh6HK4HZGCcoKC = / 1024x0 / filters: quality (95): format (png): focus (2209x642: 2219x632) /cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/gfrmedia/DKUJ6IMTUJE35ECLODWOTHZDDE.jpg "," primarySection ": {" adPromo ":" "," associatedSection ":" "," brandshareAdPromo ":" "," brandshareImageUrl ":" "," columnDescription ":" " , "columnName": "", "columnTwitter": "", "beskrywing": "The most complete coverage of Puerto Rico, government, politics, Legislature, Police, tribunals and time. 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