Pierluisi advises that you do not comply with the Tax Plan

Governor Pedro Pierluisi warned that Iceland’s next step would not be completed with the Certified Fiscal Plan.

The governing body’s expressions during the vigorous quarterly meeting of the Fiscal Control Board (JCF) are being discussed by the tax authorities that the governing body has to implement to comply with the tax rates imposed by the federal government.

The mandate states that the Central Government Fiscal Plan has not been revised since May 2020, because this version does not contain the federal funds that received the response to the COVID-19 earthquake.

“I am alert to the fact that, despite the fact that the Fiscal Plan has not been revised, we intend to live with the current aggregation base and it is limited to the government to be able to present a statement that is real and guarantees a functional government,” Pierluisi said during first appearance at a JCF meeting.

“As far as the next March is concerned, there will be a presumption that it is not entirely consistent with the Fiscal Plan,” he said.

The central government has until February 2 to present the presumption for the fiscal year. While the 20th of February is the deadline for a new Fiscal Plan.

Asimismo, the directive of the Junta, Justin Peterson, volvió to show concern in turn to the projections of the recaudos of the country. In addition, the Junta will provide the reasons for submitting the entries received by the island each year. According to Peterson, the fiscal forecast presented in January reflects that the Junta estimates the island’s inputs are projected to raise $ 8,100 million. Prohibition, arguing that the island is already raising $ 9,200 million.

“There are so many repercussions because of Puerto Rico’s less flexibility in the government’s plan to launch one of the most realistic projections,” Peterson asked.

In an exchange letter, Natalie Jaresko, the executive director of the Junta, defends the projections proposed by the fiscal entity and assures that McKinsey does not have the only company that will prove to be gross.

Juntaza assignation de fondos para mejoras en aeropuerto de Aguadilla

For its part, Pierluisi is enthroned against the Junta to reinstate a central governing party to reprogram funds to repair the Aguadilla airport runway.

Agreed with the application for reprogramming, the cost of reconstructing the uphill slope is $ 29 million. Without embarrassment, Natalie Jaresko, Executive Director of the Junta, said that the solicitation would be reimbursed and that the governing body would use funds from the directive program to finance projects approved by the Federal Agency for Emergency Management (FEMA, by itself). and English).

“Necesitamos arreglar ese aeropuerto y necesitamos reabrirlo pronto. This type of project is critical and can not be treated solely by a single or a. Ayuden al gobierno de Puerto Rico”, dijo Pierluisi, quien además manifesto que la Agencia Federal Aviación les solions identify a fund with federal funds to finance airport arrears. “Our pidieron is pareo no confían in Puerto Rico due to tax disorder”, added.

While Jaresko planted, these foundations are destined for the inversion of delineated projects by FEMA. “The funds in this account are destined for the governor of Puerto Rico to be able to supplement with 10% of federal funds for projects approved by FEMA”, said Jaresko. In this way, the official indicates that the governor of Puerto Rico needs to identify another source of input to cost money.

Through the exchange letter between Jaresko and Pierluisi, Peterson responded to the governor’s advertisements and questioned the reasons for the fiscal entity to describe this project.

“This type of decision has me questioning my role in this June. I am here to promote the economic crime. I am deceived by this determination,” Peterson said.

The recommendation:
