Pierde peso with the Japanese method Kaoru

The Japanese owner with the adelgazarás without sudar and only required 10 minutes

The Japanese owner with the adelgazarás without sudar and only required 10 minutes

Adelgazar always is one of the objectives to complete each year that passes. And it’s all our tastes well and truly, both physically and mentally. Now there is one Japanese method for losing weight that only takes 10 minutes and requires a tennis court. But the best thing is that it does not require great effort, nor does it require great intensity.

Kaoru is one of the gurus of the world of fitness and has lived for 40 years with his teachings and urges to maintain a good health before launching a new and unique method. This Japanese owner who only takes ten minutes to consist of adopting a series of postures and moves to improve the immune system and get rid of muscle aches and pains.

Work from the computer to all the slides that force the corporal posture and generate tension in the muscles of the calf and the spine in particular. The body resents and appears the rigidity in the extremities and the small circulation. Kaoru will plant a series of stories that can be made from home and in just ten minutes in his book ‘Adelgaza with Kaoru‘. With the help of a tennis court you will have the courage to allow the grass to adopt the adequate posture.

Here is the Japanese fashion method for adelgazar

Ejercicios con la planta de los pies: Serve to style the belt, repair the plantar artery and pelvis

  • Pie bridge with the juntos pies and the men involved in the gap. Pisa la pelota y encoge y estira los dedos varia veces.

  • Desliza una pierna atrás y con la otra haz rodar la pelota por todo el pie

Ejercicios con la pelota de tenis en la planta de los pies

How to own the gemelos and relax the muscles: work this zone is important to increase the circulation of the zone and with certain curves can increase the position of the pelvis

  • Adopt the posture that will be in the image of continuation and ownership pressure with the partner against the pelota and aguanta 10 seconds.

  • Levante the muscle and the gluteo and displaces the tennis pelvis to the center of the pantorrhella. Aguanta 10 segundos.

  • With the pelota in the tobillo, antes de llegar al tendon de Aquiles aguanta diez segundos y repeat the ownership with the otra pierna

How to own the gemelos according to the Kaoru method

Belonging strap: With these moves you will get more flexibility and refine your belt

  • With separate paths and lines with the men, they support the plate of the pie on the sole, giving the dedication to the patient.

  • With the maneuvers behind the cabeza cógete of the codes as veras in the image of a continuation

  • Turn the wheel to the right and follow the movement with the upper part of the body.

Ejercita la cintura con el método para adelgazar de Kaoru

Gluten intake: Massage the zone, tone and sub the frame

  • In an ester, use the tennis pad and the back of your frame. Colloquate as in the image to use the gluten steroid

  • Run the pilot on the glute zone for one minute enter

  • Repeat the ownership with the counter lad

Relax the tension in the glutes

Accommodation in the area of ​​the mussels: massage your cuádriceps to tone the muscles and luchar against the flaccid in the zone

  • Adopt the position of the image, sentinel and with the pierced holes and from the tennis pelvis as the master of the figure.

  • Pon las manos en la pierna y eierce presión y aguanta unos segundos. When it comes to pressure, the rodilla doubles in size. It has five repetitions of its owner.

  • Display the lower abdomen and press the pier with the manes. Herhaal hasta que llegue a la rodilla y posteriormente haz lo mismo con la otra pierna

Work the upper zone of the pier
