Piden extradites to follow up on EE diplomats. UU. – Delitos – Justicia

United States of America’s extradition to Jefferson Arango Castellanos, Kenny Juliet Uribe and one more person, named the diplomat of the embassy of the Embassy of this country. Here is the revelation of this Wednesday Noticentro 1 CM &.

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The victims are part of a criminal gang operating in the north of Bogotá on drug trafficking to cover millions of dollars y, posteriormente, abandonarlas en potreros de la ciudad.

The United States Governor has been warned that all high-ranking officials of the US Embassy in Bogotá have been victimized by this gang.

In effect, in March 2020, diplomats will go to a bar located north of the capital to take down some tragic events. Alli fueron abordados por dos mujeres, quienes aprovecharon un descuido de los males para mezclar una sustancia en sus bebidas.

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What has been established is that the criminals are sequencing the employees of the Embajada valiantly that these are the effect of the pharmacy that they proportion to the bar.

Asi, they deposit their belongings and vacate their bank accounts. In the madrugada fueron abandoned.

Ante lo ocurrido, a court in the United States ordered an investigation to hall to those responsible, although the nationality of one of the victims of the crime is being treated in Colombia, there are also officials of the Embajada of this country.

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For that matter, the Fiscalia General of the Nation, with the support of the FBI, initiated a network of telephone lines and followed up with security cameras.

As a result, North American authorities would identify the perpetrators, who were killed in extradition.

Treat yourself to Jefferson Arango Castellanos, 33, aka Harry Potter; Kenny Juliet Uribe, 31 years old, alias Hellen, and a third person who has not been detained since he was fully identified and is currently being searched by the Fiscalia and the FBI.

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The three-year-olds will respond to the court hearing on various charges, between them.

By the way, The Colombian Fiscalia wins Arango and Uribe in the investigation into the death of Alexandra Anaya, hermana de una exfiscal y quien fue intoxicada en un caso de passeo millonario Similargie al de los diplomáticos estadounidenses.

Without embarrassment, Anaya murmured at the high dose received by the pharmacy that the animal of the victims.

(Context: Assesinan en Bogotá a hermana de exfiscal que manejó casos clave)

