Piden apoyo para medicinas – Opmerkings locales, Policiacas, sobre México y el Mundo | El Sol de Tijuana

Tijuana. – During the new months we were waiting for positive coronavirus patients in the hospital of Tijuana General Hospital, José Luis García, and the particular doctor Martín Roberto Landeros, and while transmitting the virus, help to buy medicines and children in the hospital.

Martín Roberto Landeros is a physician who has been waiting for decades for patient complications from Sars-Cov-2 in his particular consultation in Tijuana. His wife Ilse Karina Landeros Cázares states that she tore all the contraceptive drugs, but by December 16th she had received the studies against the virus.

Ilse Karina Landeros Czáares says that the health is complicated because the doctor acquired a bacteria, sumada al Covid-19. “Two complications, no one else is the Covid, two an infection in the pulmonary glands and with the neumonia and all the cayo is a bacterium that the trajectory is more complicated and so we have to intern … my dad does not have social security, ni nada (donde atenderse de la enfermedad) ”.

Family members of the doctor receive donations in the bank account Banamex number 5206949633890792, with interbank key 002028701418044704 in the name of his wife María Josefina Cázares Armenta.

On the other hand, the nurse of the General Hospital of Tijuana, José Luis García, who was in the emergency room with coronavirus-positive patients, was hospitalized in the same nosocomia; during new months of combining the first line of action against the Sars-Cov-2.

The Secretary of Health, Alonso Pérez Rico, was questioned about the lack of medication for the worker, saying that he reviewed the case and mentioned the lack of medication for muscle relaxants at the national level.

Pérez indicates that medical staff in the health sector are being held in public hospitals without medical treatment and will review the case.

“This is the theme of the nurse Luis García, it is clear that the company is here, usually the sector does not fit in with this, but it is because it is related to it,” said Pérez Rico.

José Luis García’s work companions describe him as a working man and the best medical officer in the General Hospital of Tijuana, yet he has been through many months combating the pandemic, he has no recourse to medicine.

Donations are received in the number number of Oxxo 4766841726582896, number Fabiola Guadalupe Zavala Bojórquez who supervises the area where José Luis García works.
