Physical ownership and deber sports are essential activities (and more pandemic)

With what is past, it is natural that it covid-19 and its grave consequences are in the mouth of all. Without embarrassment, there is more than ever, we are well aware that Physical inactivity y el sedentarism también llevan mucho tiempo haciendo de las suyas.

The property World Health Organization (OMS) has recognized that the physical activity failure is an important risk factor to increase the number of people nurse and the Premature mortality. Therefore, the 2020 estimates indicate that they do not match the recommendations of physical activity is responsible in all the world of more than 5 million deaths every year. Dimensions of pandemic, without doubt.

Recently, a studio based on more than a million people indicated that, if the physical activity practice fuera suficiente –ekwivalente a 60-75 minutes per day of physical activity of moderate intensity–, service to counteract the increment of mortality risk which supone will require more than four hours sent to the day.

Geen hooi que olvidar que estar long time ago is a practice pink and y nada sana, maximizes if combined with the practice of physical activity. Hecho, this combination increases the risk of mortality the same as tobacco o la obesity.

Sondeverbod, according to the evidence, only 18% of adults aged 65 to 74 years and 15% of them mayors of 75 years complete the minimum requirements cardiovascular and the power of spierde etabllecidas by the OMS. That is, make more than 150 minutes of moderate-vigorous aerobic physical activity per week and strength training spirits at least 2 weeks per week.

But more so, even though it is hiccupy, it is also seriously insufficient. Because these levels of physical activity can atenuar pero not eliminate the risk associated with watching the television more than 3 hours a day.

Physical inactivity and sedentarism, old problems known as public health

In the major people, if the Physical inactivity combines with a style of life sedentary, the mass is reduced and the physical function is reduced. As a consequence decrease the capacity to realize cotidian activities, aumenta el caidas riesgo y they pierde independence y calidad de vida. In addition, the sedentary life also empowers the chronic health problems, including the hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, la depression and the dementia.

It is not for the faint of heart. Permanent immovable periods with courtesy like 5 days, including young people, reduced by up to 4% the mass muscle, 9% strength and up to 10% our cardiovascular capacity. In case of permanent accommodation in the hospital, only three weeks of absolute serial rest similar to a deterrent of functional capacity equivalent to 30 years of delivery.

To get started, it has been tried to reduce the number of daily steps during 14 days to increase the metabolic disease risk futures and resistance to the insulin, types of type II diabetes and obesity. Queda confirmed that we are designed for women. And that, if we do not, the burden of illness and mortality is exponential manner.

In addition to the great advances of science, at the moment there are no pharmacists who can improve the Physical capacity in the person of mayors. Ni siquiera appears likely to fail somehow in the immediate future. The “vacancy” unit with which we are dealing is the physical ownership. With the expectation that there are bargains, efficiencies and security and there is no problem with the summit or colas or turns: all the world has the power to take away from this instant.

Confined and inactive

World level, el EARS-CoV-2 has had a major impact on the habitual practice of physical activity. In the specific case of Spain, there is a European country that is reducing the number of diaries of the population – by 38% less – during the first weeks of confinement. Less practice of physical activity than what it considers to be insufficient.

As we move forward, we must maintain the levels of physical activity the highest possibilities. Among other things, because of the inclusion or inclusion of hospitalization, the functional capacity that we will act as an authentic security of life to confront with mayor excites the property of the collateral effects of aggressive treats pharmacologists which we can recite. In other words, the more we are at the moment of closing, the more likely we are to overdo it.

Suffice it to say

El physical ownership increase the physical function and the quality of life. Pero también reduce la carga de enfermedades no transferable y la general mortality premature, including mortality due to specific causes of cardiovascular disease, cancer and chronic inferior respiratory tract diseases. And although it is better than nothing, believe it or not.

In 2020, la World Health Organization publishes the new directives on physical activity and sedentary behavior in those that are recommended evenly the practice of multicomponent physical activity of moderate intensity or intense three or more days a week. This includes the implementation of exercises for the best of cardiovascular resistance (as, for example, train) with the training of strength and balance.

From the University of Navarre we have launched a multicomponent individualized physical exercise program for the prevention of fragility and the risk of vivo-like causes. Includes weight training exercises for cardiovascular resistance training, in addition to moderate weight lifting to increase extremity strength, as well as balance and mobility exercises.

Has been demonstrated that, applied in mayors of 70 years, the VIVIFRAIL program completes its objective of combating the fragility (body mass, force, mobility, level of physical activity, energy). What is different, optimize and prevent the loss of functional capacity during the survey.

Por si fuera poco, en phospital patients hospitalized, it has also been demonstrated that supervised intervention interventions based on the VIVIFRAIL methodology are safe and effective in achieving the functional deterrent and have prevented the cognitive deterrent.

The importance of prescribing ownership

Does ethical result not prescribe physical ownership? However, this comment has not yet been completed, but has been fully integrated into the habitual practice of the primary or geriatric medicine. More, it is practically in agreement with the basic training of the Mayor of medical and other health care professionals. Without embarrassment, deberian medicines become the first “prescribers of physical exercise”, and the faculties of deberian medicine teach that the skeletal muscle becomes a plastic tejido y aanpasbare durante toda la vida humana.

In terms of the physical educators, deberían tener un papel más aktiv in la dirección, supervis en evaluation van die la practice of ownership in people of any age related to any health problem, those with functional diversity or with different capacities, especially in the sanitary department.

For another lad, we do not want to send a message as simple as important: the ownership is not only for nieces and young adults. The people of advanced advanced pueden to adapt al owner and merecen benefit from it. It is never too late – and it is never too old – to counteract the muscles.

What I see indistinguishable there is a need for more research into intervention interventions for major adults, the “great adults” in medical schools. About everything to hope for about security, efficiency and inherent variability between the persons in response to ownership.

Understand this variability is essential to identify the best method of treatment (simple owner components or multicomponent owners) and decide the intensity (low resistance, moderate or high intensity owners). I have a global idea that “the owner is medicine”. But even if not all the drugs cure the cancer, even all types of exercise (cardiovascular, dehydrated, balance) have the same effects on diseases and functional capacity.

Sea como fuere, la aphysical activity must be considered, with and without pandemic, as an essential activity with impact on public health. This should be one of the major issues of public health and sanitation policies in the coming years.

* This article was published by The Conversation and reproduced here under the Creative Commons license. Click here to read the original version.

* Mikel Izquierdo, director of the Department of Science of Health, Universidad Pública de Navarra.
