Physical exercise in public health: the ‘vacuna’ of parks and gyms | Science

In the 80s, Dr. Robert Butler, director of the American Institute of Affirmative Care, said: “If ownership and physical activity can be used as a last-line drug, the drug will be more widely prescribed and beneficial for the population.” Since then, the World Health Organization (WHO) has reaffirmed that physical inactivity and sedentary living include chronic health problems, including hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, depression. In addition, the 2020 estimates indicate that not complying with the physical activity recommendations is the cause of death in the world, responsible for more than 5 million casualties worldwide each year. For colmo, it has been proven to reduce the number of diarrhea steps during 14 days in order to increase the risk of future metabolic disease and insulin resistance, types of type II diabetes and obesity. Queda confirmed that we are designed for women. And that, if we do not, the burden of illness and mortality is exponential manner. If doctor Butler provided the cabeza, 33 years later, he confirmed what he suspected: physical activity and deportation would be essential activities in public health policy, and more in time for pandemic. Y zapatillas y las pesas son nuestros mejores aliados.

In the global population, without embargo, only 18% of adults aged 65 to 74 and 15% of mayors of 75 years complete the minimum recommendations for physical activity practice: do more than 150 minutes of aerobic physical activity moderate-vigorous on weekdays and realizes fortnightly fortification gains on less than two weeks a week. But it is really preoccupying, that this “deficiency in the practice of physical activity” is observed from the first stages of life. It is the vertebral problem causing infantile obesity.

“Evidence of the positive effects of physical ownership has led him to equip himself with the best of medicines”

Despite the great advances of science, at the moment, there are no pharmacies (not a combination of them) that can increase the physical capacity of the persons, and it is probable that nothing will fail in the foreseeable future. Evidence regarding the positive effects of physical exercise has led him to equip himself with the best of medicines. It is precisely reconciled, without embarrassment, that not all medicines cure cancer, nor all types of exercise (cardiovascular, dexterity, muscle, equilibrium) have the same effects on diseases and functional capacity. It’s not enough and it’s recommended to follow some of the trends Youtube of the influencers with chandal.

As far as the patients are concerned, the ownership has not been fully integrated into the habitual practice of primary and geriatric medicine and toadavia is practically without the basic training of the Mayor of Medical and Other Sanitary Practitioners. In addition, covid-19 has given more evidence, both to the general public, to the practice of physical activity, and to the fact that a mayor observes a reduction in its practice, and to patients with persistent covid in what it is more clear that physical ownership will have to play a key role in the recovery of the physical and mental fatigue syndromes.

In fact, it has also become clear that more research studies are needed on ownership interventions for major adults, the great olvidados in medical studies. These are important questions about security, efficiency and the variability inherent in people responding to ownership. Understand this variability is fundamental to identifying the best method of treatment (simple or multicomponent owners) and intensity (bait resistance, moderate or high intensity) to preserve and ideally increase physical capacity.

“Deberian medicines are the first ‘prescribers of physical exercise’ and the faculties of medical medicine teach students that the skeletal muscle is seen as a plastic and adaptable teething throughout human life.”

In an era where science and, in particular, precision medicine is advancing in the individualized treatment of the sick and including the majority of the life expectancy, we will not forget the simple and important message: ownership is only for children and adults more young, the people of advanced age can adapt to ownership and mercenary benefit from it. Never is it slow, and never is it old, to counter muscles. Moreover, in times when corns, physical ownership also is the only “vacancy” unit, effective and secure, without the problem of the seamstress or the colons and turns and all the world has to emerge from this instant.

We tend to abandon the policies of Ministry of the Environment and evolve into one more centered on the health and quality of life. Cases of all cases have specialties, especially primary care and geriatrics, should be recommended to all patients, regardless of their age, who are the most active. Deberian medicines are the first “physical prescribers” and the faculties of medical medicine teach students that the skeletal muscle is a plastic and adaptable teething throughout human life.

The practice of physical activity and physical educators, should have a more relevant and priority paper to solve this problem and if need be considered: Essential activity with impact on public health. This deberia will be one of the largest retention centers of the public health and sanitation policy of the nearest years.

Mikel Izquierdo is the chair and director of the Department of Health of the University of Navarre. Head of Research for the Physical Emergence Group, Health and Quality of Life (E-FIT) of Navarrabiomed. Professor del Máster en Alto Rendimiento Deportivo del Comité Olímpico Español. Currently participating as an investigator in the CIBER de Envejecimiento y fragilidad (CIBERFES) and is the scientific director of the VIVIFRAIL project. @mikelizquierdo_

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