Physical exercise and a healthy diet can prevent type 2 diabetes development

A routine with physical possessions a regular diet, combined with a diet that includes fruit, verduras and others saludable foods, may be the key to the median adults and alcancen an optimal cardiometabolic balance in the future.

This is a new study that uses data from the ‘Framingham Coronation Study’ published in the ‘Journal of the American Heart Association’. Revista de la Asociación Americana del Corazón, granted in Dallas (United States).

One of the most important risk factors for cardiovascular health is metabolic syndrome. A joint of trastornos composed of the excess of grass around the belt, insulin resistance and arterial hypertension. Hecho, the presence of metabolic syndrome can increase the risk of developing cardiac diseases, cerebrovascular accidents and type 2 diabetes.

Thus, the sanitary authorities recommend that adults perform at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity a week, as well as wake up.

Investigators will develop the investigation during the years

In an analysis of the data of the participants in the Study of the Coringon of Framingham, which commenced more than 70 years in Framingham (Massachusetts, EEUU), the investigators examined the data of 2,379 adults. All of them are 18 years old and with a compliment to the two directors, both physics and diet.

Thus, we note that the complement of a combination of the recommendations during the median age is associated with lower probabilities of having metabolic syndrome. In addition to avoiding serious aberrations, it is important that the participants consider their third edema, such as diabetes or hypertension.

How did the investigation process go?

The participants in the study were selected from the third generation of the ‘Estudio del Coringón de Framingham’. These, with a media age of 47 years and a percentage of females of 54 per cent, were examined between 2008 and 2011. Investigators are evaluating the median physical activity with a specialized device known as the omnidirectional accelerometer.

The device, which has a continuum of sedentarism and physical activity, is located within the framework of the participant during these days. Investigators also provide dietary information through food frequency questioners to identify the types and levels of foods and nutrients consumed.

Here are the reasons, investigators note that, among all participants, the 28th complements the recommendations made by physical activity directors as well as dietitians. While the 47 by Alcanzaba read the recommendations only one of the directors.

These results prove that the combination of both factors can increase our health

Asimismo, the researchers also found that the participants who only received the physical activity recommendations had a 51% lower chance of having a metabolic syndrome. While participants who follow only dietary guidelines have a 3% lower probability, and participants who follow ten have a 65% lower probability of developing metabolic syndrome.

“Cabe states that we are observing a dose-response association of dietary and physical activity directives with the risk of having more cardio-metabolic pathways in life,” Xanthakis said. “Participants who complete physical activity may have a progressively lower cardio-metabolic rate while increasing the dietary supplement,” he added.

However, all participants in the study were white adults, so that the results could not be generalized to persons of other racial or ethnic groups. “Additional studies are needed with a model of multi-ethnic participants”, he wants researchers to recover.
