Physical activity during pregnancy helps to improve mental health, according to study

Physical activity favors mental health during confinement, given that its diminution during this period causes psychological problems in the current population, following a study conducted by four Spanish and Canadian universities.

Esta investigation describe the effect of physical activity on the psychological health of the population during the COVID-19 initiative in order to determine whether the movement can be a good strategy for contributing to emotional well-being in other possible pandemics, he detailed these jewels, in a note, the International University of Rioja (UNIR).

Investigators from UNIR, University of Barcelona, ​​University of La Laguna, Ramon Llull University in Barcelona and The University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Canada) he describes in this work the effect of the physical activity on the psychological health of the population during the confinement
, as part of the systematic review of scientific evidence on the impacts of the pandemic.

If a first step is taken in a research to determine if sports practice can be a good strategy for contributing to emotional well-being in case of pandemic.

“The provocation provokes psychological disorders in people, more in adults than in children”, indicated the UNIR investigator in the María Gloria Gallego-Jiménez project, who added that she had demonstrated that “The population is looking for resources to practice sports, aid technology”.

He studied 180 scientific articles published between the 1st of January 2019 and the 15th of July of 2020 on all the bases of dates of research, of which, apply the criteria of inclusion and exclusion, 15 are eligible for this investigation, as part of the team’s participation in an international project to study the relationship between physical activity and mental health during the pandemic, in which he collaborated 15 countries.

This systematic review highlights the existing evidence regarding the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in psychological well-being in adult populations. and the effects that are obtained from the activity of physical activity in the psychological health during this period.

These revised articles reflect that the pandemic and the means of confinement cause stress, anxiety, social Islam and psychological anguish in adults; as well as levels of depression and higher levels of habitat between the first line of medical staff, has been added.

Además, varios trabajos refieren specification como adults become more sedentary during quarantine and decrease their levels of physical activity, with consequent psychological results.
