PHOTOS: Belinda translates a Christian Nodal with sensual images and Instagram

The song does not resist so much beauty that it is full of amorous and amusing messages.

The song Belinda, who meets in Spain together with his partner Christian Nodal, does not have to surprise more than 13 million followers and the same amount of regional Mexican, who encounters the recent images shared by his official Instagram account.

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In the photographs, she is with the artist, 28 years old, on a gray sofa, with the full cable, covered with a blue bathtub and miraculously smoking in the room. On the other hand, Belinda wore a pink rose around her rostrum, making it look like her eyes, and in a third she would like to see her perfect profile.

Belinda’s penetrating miracle conquers its followers and affectionate love for Christian Nodal. Photo capture IG @belindapop

At the moment, 924,980 readers have published 924,980 messages and messages from their followers, including those from Nodal, who are praising their new adoras. “Oye qué bella eres”, “Cómo puede haber tanta belleza en una sola persona?”, “Hello, many thanks for being there are not my series” y “te amo” fueron algunos de los commenterios del interprete Adiós amor ”, who also assures the assurant that“ tenes the miradaaa more beautiful that he saw in all my life ”.

“How can you have such beauty in a single person?”, Nodal wrote to her new Belinda. Photo capture IG @belindapop

Nodal’s comments have been backed up by Belinda’s followers and there is no denying that more than enough people have suggested to the Mexican that they are better off. No doubt, many quieren verlos casados.

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If it had not been for the occasion, as it has been rumored for the last few days, it seems that the couple is working on a new collaboration, according to the artist of 22 years on the program ‘Ventaneando’. “There was a scene with her in my new disco called ‘Hecho a la Medida’, and I was sure that many people wanted to identify her”, aseveró Nodal, which is also working with the reconstituted Spanish group Mocedades.
