Photographer who captured the capitulation to the Capitol: ‘I recorded in the sadam’


The experiment photoperiodista Jim Lo Scalzo, who worked in more than 60 countries, never imagined capturing with his spring what he had called the “asedio del Capitolio estadounidense”, hecho que le recordó, en minor medida, a los saqueos en Iraq tras la caida de Sadam Husein.

Lo Scalzo, photographer of the EPA / EFE agency in United States, captured with his camera images of first line during Donald Trump’s surprise speech Capitol in Washington el pasado merercoles.

The photographer has read in the window to the place to register the presidential election certificate Joe Biden when listening to the ruined ruins in the things of the edifice, which, although it is open to the public, is largely custodial.

“Recuerdo thinks ‘Oh my God, this is really happening, they are in the process of being edited'”, said Lo Scalzo in an interview with EFE who reconsidered that in 30 years of a professional career only one time he feels.

“It’s graceful, it’s my record when I’ve been in Iraq and the estadounidenses enter (…) the Iraqi comenzaron to sack and destroy everything related to Sadam, obvio en este (el Capitol) fue mucho menor porque creo que la gente staba surprendida de haber tenido acceso “, dijo.

Although not feeling well, el photoperiodista recognition that hubo moments of verdadera tension to the interior of Capitol when hundreds of people enter the building carrying gates and windows, and the corridor through the passages leads to the school principal’s room.

Finally, Lo Scalzo considered what happened to him Capitol is the result of Trump’s “American carnage”, which has been used since the beginning of his mandate to decide that the United States is the victim of the criminal and the drugs.

El asalto al Capitol and his posterior recovery has a balance of fifty deaths, between them and a police force.

The photographs of Lo Scalzo fueron distribute the fairytale past through the graphic services of EPA (European Press Agency) and EFE and fueron published in media media around the world.
