PHOTO: Iker Casillas buys a replica of the car that appeared in a mythical series of years ago

The Real Madrid goalkeeper and the Spanish football team demonstrated their admiration for the ‘Fantastic Coach’ protagonist.

The Spanish exporter Iker Casillas bought a replica of the car that appeared in ‘El fantastico’, a mythical series from the decade of 1980, which appeared in a photo posted on this Wednesday on his Instagram account.

The image shows the Real Madrid match and Spain’s football selection, while being placed in the assistant manager’s black vehicle. The exporter hid the cadastral number with a black sleeve.

“Aquellas-reeks con las que crecimos. Llegaron los 80 y tanto ‘El Equipo A’ y ‘El coche fantástico’ eran series seguidas por miles y miles de españoles”, reza el texto. “Who has not said the famous phrase, cogiendo muñeca en vilo y hablando al reloj:« ¡Kitt, te necesito! »”, Añade.

Subasta del original

Iker Casillas joins the Real Madrid Foundation

Casillas assured that the protagonist of the series, Michael Knight — in addition to the estuded actor David Hasselhoff— hacemos al día.

The car used in the series, called Kitt, was a Pontiac Firebird Trans-Am V8. Curiously, Hasselhoff’s last pass was based on the original vehicle, owned by the owner, at an initial price of $ 200,000.

Geen hindernis, al parecer no se trata del same coach. One of the Internet users has a comment on Casillas’ publication, in order to mention a detail that allows the ex-football player to request a reply from the car. “Kitt’s flight was not redone, fallo,” he explained.

What did it look like? Give your opinion in the comments!
