Philadelphia Student Accepts 20 Universities and Offers More Thousands of Dollars in Checks | Univision Education News

Nada muy extraordinario esperaba la familia de Shanya Robinson-Owens, a young student of the last year of a preparation in Philadelphia when, however, many other young people, began to send solicitations to universities in the country to be accepted in some.

The surprise wine in November passed when the empezaron received the responses. More than 20 universities accept and only so: receive offers for more than one million dollars in becas.

“I do not hope to receive this, I beg you to read it, but I do not hope that it will happen, in absolute terms,” ​​he told CNN.

When it comes to reading positive responses from universities, the family faces all the offers of beck. Create the hashtag #KeepingUpWithNya to follow its progress in social media.

Some of the universities he opened at were Hall Hall, Temple University, Moravian College Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri, and Radnor Cabrini University, Pennsylvania.

“It’s emotional. It’s like: ‘well what have you got?’ “, Christa’s dice at CBS ‘Philadelphia Local, CBS3.

“We believe that we have a great deal, because we always have a great student, but we do not know that I have a million dollars, that it is a huge logarithm,” commented Shanya.

Muchas is a reviewer

As a huge majority of students throughout the country, Shanya has been studying distance debits and restrictive measures adopted before the pandemic.

Pero no por eso ha bajado su rendimiento. “As for the studios, all depending on the subject. That I can write the quiz in Quizlet (a digital application to study), and then you can donate to try out the material”, said CBS.

Shanya has not decided which university to assist, is currently in its infancy. Espera has a psychology, although his favorite subjects are chemistry and physics. He also paid attention to periodism and collaborated on the site of his school experiences.

If inclined by some career can be “help the people”.

“I like to help the people a lot. I like the diary, hecho”, said CBS.

Currently university campus is located and no decision has been made. Dijo told CNN that he wanted to evaluate his options with detention. And for those who have enough time to start the university career in autumn.

“I would like to basarme in the diner and that lie I do not like the university and no term”, said Robinson-Owens.

He said that social media had received countless compliments and congratulations. “We are very sorry for her,” he said.

