Phase 3 data released by Johnson and Johnson: one pitch, 72% efficiency

The third major alternative to a COVID-19 vaccine, Johnson & Johnson, published its Phase 3 interim analysis data on Friday. The vaccine’s name is ENSEMBLE.

ENSEMBLE, known as a single dose vaccine, showed efficacy in 72% of the 43 783 recipients who participated in the Phase 3 trials.

“Our goal was to provide a simple, effective solution for the largest number of people possible, and to have the maximum impact to end the pandemic,” said CEO Alex Gorsky.

Of the participants, there were 468 symptomatic cases of COVID-19. These individuals were reviewed 14 to 28 days after they were injected.

“Do not let the perfect get in the way of the good enough,” Kizzmekia Corbett, one of the vaccine developers for Moderna, tweeted on Friday, encouraging the effectiveness rates of ENSEMBLE.

The data showed that recipients from the 14th day and a full 28 days after vaccination reached 66% protection against COVID-19 from moderate to severe complications, so that even if it was contracted within 28 days after receiving the virus of this vaccine, the effects would not be severe 66% of the time.

The announcement notes that “the ENSEMBLE study results include the efficacy against emerging strains of coronavirus, including a number of highly contagious variants found in the USA, Latin America and South Africa.”

The efficacy rate of the vaccine has dropped significantly from the United States, where it was 72%, to 57% in South Africa, where a new variant was recently discovered, which has caused worldwide concern. Concerns about the spread of the South African tribe have contributed to the recent closure of Ben-Gurion Airport.

“The potential to significantly reduce the burden of a serious disease by providing an effective and well-tolerated vaccine with just one vaccination is a critical component of the global response to public health,” said Paul Stoffels, chief scientific officer. of Johnson & said. Johnson.

In addition, Johnson & Johnson plans to submit an emergency use authorization (EUA), as previous vaccination candidates – Pfizer and Moderna – have done.

According to the data, the vaccine is generally 85% effective in preventing serious complications that could lead to hospitalizations.

The company noted that they will follow up ‘up to two years’ with the subjects.
