Pharmacies of EE UU tendrán la vacuna anticovid

Washington, United States.

Some United States Pharmacies Comenzarán to Offer vacant against the covid-19 from February 11, as part of the efforts to rapidly increase the amount of doses applied to citizens.

The coordinator of the response of the White House to the covid-19, Jeff Zients, dioo a periodistas debido a las limitations de suministro, el program estiitally infocado en 6 500 farmacias de todo el pais, pero eventualen se expandar a 40,000.

“It will be available to the most populated areas where vacancies are in their communities and is an important component to apply the equitable form vacancies”, he explained.

The program has what the people have quoted in the pharmacies to receive their dose, make sure the priority group has the right to choose for them.

32.2 million more than injections he has been applying until now in the country, with only 6 million people who have received the necessary doses from the vacant de Pfizer o Modern, following the official dates.

Through the sources of initial bottlenecks, the states are constantly creating their task of administering vacancies while the federal government works with the manufacturers in order to increase the sum of money.

El gobierno de Biden has reached the target of administering 150 million doses in its first ten days, which will be completed in April.

More than 100 million doses of vacant In contrast to covid-19 is administered worldwide, these two months after the start of the first munitions campaigns, following an AFP balance.

Until March 08H00 GMT, at least 101,317,005 injections will take place in at least 77 countries or territories, according to an AFP account from official sources.

Israel is the most advanced country in the field of munitions. 37% of the population received at least one dose and an Israeli of every five (21%) completed the process with a second dose.

All vacancies currently circulating in the world require two doses to proportion one immunization optimize.

In high-income countries, according to the definition of the World Bank, live 16% of the world population, but 65% of all concentrates are administered in the world. In addition to Israel, there are North American, European and Gulf countries.

In the cape group figure the United Kingdom (9.8 million dose, 13.7% of the population), United States (32.2 million dose, 7.9%), United Arab Emirates (3.4 million of dose, without data on persons) and Serbia (6.2%).

In the European Union (EU), 12.7 million doses are inoculated at 2.3% of the population. Between the 27, Malta figures in cabeza with 5.4% of the population, followed by Denmark (3.2%) and Poland (3.1%).
