Pharmacies empezarán to receive vacancies against the COVID-19 next week

By Shannon Pettypiece – NBC News

Joe Biden’s Governor would like to send the next weekly dose of the vaccine against COVID-19 directly to minority pharmacies throughout the country. This is part of the plan of the new Administration to accelerate the immunization process of the population.

El initial envoy of one million doses Read 6,500 reports from February 11, according to Jeffrey Zients, coronavirus coordinator for the Biden Administration.

President Donald Trump’s Governor says the states will implement their plans for the distribution of vacancies. Some opt to use the minority pharmacies to vacate groups, as well as health workers.

[Siga nuestra cobertura completa sobre el coronavirus]

The pharmacies that receive the vaccine direct from the Federal Governor tendrán que seguir las dirices de su stadado to determine who should receive the first injections. People entering one of the priority groups should consult the website of their local pharmacy to obtain a quote.

The first pharmacies to receive the federal Gobierno vaccine will be the ones to receive better situated to reach people with high risk of grave grave ya las populations “socially vulnerable”, dijo Zients.

At least 40,000 pharmacies in all countries receive the vacancies, but Zients will not be able to hope that it will be complete. Now, hospitals and state health departments are in charge of the Mayor of injections.

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“The initial phase of distribution in local pharmacies will allow more vacancies to be available,” said Zients. “Contrast the infrastructure and experience of pharmacies will be a great help to increase the number of vacancies in the coming months”.

CVS said on March that it would receive 250,000 of those doses that the federal government would distribute next week. The chain also has plans to start and manage the vacancies in 300 of its tenants, including 100 in California and 70 in Texas. CVS has 10,000 tiends in all countries.

In addition to the one million doses that the Biden Administration will send to the smaller pharmacies, it is also planning send to the Government Governors 10.5 million doses daily during the next three weeks. The Gobierno has increased the dose number that is sent to the states at 20% since it is loaded in the cargo distribution program of the 20th of January.

President Biden has agreed to administer at least 100 million vacancies in his first 100 mandate days and has said he hopes his figure can reach 150 million. As of now, 32 million doses have been administered since the first vaccine was approved on 11 December.

[Biden anuncia la compra de 200 millones de dosis más de la vacuna contra el COVID-19]

Zients believe that the inconveniences generated by the universal torment that affect the northern part of the United States, did not return the vacancies by the federal government, although some states have closed administrative centers.
