“Pharma Media Day”: a summary of industry advances to promote the sick

During the event, the innovations in health will be presented.
During the event, the innovations in health will be presented.

Lejos quedo the conception of which pharmaceutical companies only are dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of medicines. Today, with the advances in science, technology and the new discoveries that exist in health and well-being, these companies are expanding their ‘know how’ to better than respecting them.

This is one of the ideas that Bayer has come up with during Pharma Media Day. The pharmaceutical company – which completed 157 years – presented the innovations that are converting, in addition, and global leader in the generation of software and apps intended for the care of health, in cellular therapies and geniuses to cure like Parkinson’s, Advances in endometriosis treatment, a painful condition that affects 10% of women in fertile age.

One of the highlights that was present at the digital event Stefan Oelrich, member of the Board of Directors of Bayer under the chairmanship of the Pharmaceutical Division. Start your discourse now that “It is producing a biomedical and technological revolution that transforms patient attention to a precedent-setting rhythm.”

Stefan Oelrich.
Stefan Oelrich.

Oelrich details that Bayer will be able to boast of the advancement of its advances, between other fireplaces, while the company has 25 collaborations and sales partners that all around the world develop medical and medical investigations. Hoy, the collaboration and synergies are fundamental, indicates ‘Pharma Media Day’.

As many of Bayer’s exhibitors as the new company associates, as well as academic experts, address various topics of interest in the panel named “Transforming medical attention, transforming Bayer”, in particular the profundizaron in particular in the question of cellular therapy and genetics, digital health, and the projects in which the company is compromised.

In the case of genetic nurses, the director of this area in the company, Wolfram Carius says that there is now a synonym for incurable diseases, for that matter the pharmacological treatments buscaban basically alleviate the symptoms. Peru luego agregó que, currently, Genetic and cellular therapies directly address the problem, mediates the transfer of cells or genes that replace the defective ones. So, new fronts are opening up in the treatments.

For its part, the explanation of the advances in this matter is a burden on the presidents of the companies that it is carrying out its investigations on the topic and the case requested by Bayer: Emile Nuwaysir (from BlueRock Therapeutics) and Sheila Mikhail (from Asklepios BioPharma -AskBio-).

BlueRock: an experience for Parkinson’s patients

One of the latest innovations is that, in the United States, the FDA – an organization that regulates the treatment of drugs and medications, among other issues – has agreed to authorize BlueRock to initiate Phase 1 patients with Parkinson’s: If we succeed, we will demonstrate that with cellular therapy we can reverse neurodegenerative diseases. It’s a big step for general medicine and for the 8 million people who suffer from Parkinson’s in the world, ”says Nuwaysir.

For its part, the AskBio co-founder details the revolution that marks the application of chicory gene therapy with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD): “It is a treatment that affects the little ones. Suelen ends up in a row of seats with his teenagers, and finally succeeds in getting sick, ”explains Mikhail.

“Varieties of chicos with the ones that work on the podium do not include a pair of antiseptic scalps with gene therapy therapy. Pero un par de meses después ya podían correr y nadar. “We are recovering from our childhood thanks to these treatments,” he said.

Digital greetings

In view of the recent phenomenon of digital health, the experts participating in the event indicate that they hope that by 2025 digital products and services will constitute 12% of the health market.

However, one of Bayer’s most significant advances is the agreement of 100 million dollars concreted over the past year with the company Informed Data Systems Inc. One Drop.

This North American company created in 2016 an application that would cut down three million diabetic patients, allowing them more control over their illness.

infobae image

According to Jeff Dachis, founder of One Drop, the agreement with Bayer will allow the launch of an integrated digital health platform, which offers solutions in the area of ​​female health, and for patients with cardio-renal and oncological procedures. The first two modules of the platform will be launched next year.

For the most part, The specialists in the pharmaceutical business explain that the company has more than 50 projects in the clinical phase, focused on increasing the attention of cardiovascular diseases, in oncology and in female health. And brindaron detloses of the advances in the inhibition of pain, especially in the endometriosis, and new treatments of anticoagulation.

To close the event, Oliver Fischer of the area of ​​Reproductive Health, delved into the investigations on endometriosis -appearance of uterine cells in other parts of the organism-, a provocation that provokes something that patients define as “a sensation of death” .

Hasta now, the treatment that exists for this is surgery or a hormonal therapy that only provokes adverse effects. “But in our new enlightenment we are inhibiting the agent P2X3, which is a mediator of pain and nervous hypersensitivity,” said Fischer.

These investigations, which are advancing to step company, will allow to expand the application of this solution to other affections, such as chronic pain, hyperactive weight loss and diabetic neuropathic pain. As for the anticoagulants, So-Young Kim, given the age of thrombosis and vascular processes, the importance of this development, regarding everything related to the fact that “one of four mayors of 25 years will have some drama and a solo event will be able to accommodate the rest of the life ”.

In fact, in this magazine a fast-paced meal has been made about distinct investigations that are transforming into realities that change the way some children are treated and their destination. But, in addition, must be transformed and followed by the global pharmaceutical industry, in line with the necessities of a world that is becoming more challenging because, at the same time, many new opportunities to solve problems that are otherwise impossible.


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