Phantasy Star Online 2 Displays Updated Graphic & Photo Mode

Sega kept its latest Phantasy Star Online 2 live event – the PSO2 drive—On January 23, 2021 and an example of a number of changes in future updates of the nearly 9-year-old MMORPG. The most important of the updates is an important graphical update that accompanies the release of Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis, the hybrid sequel reload of PSO2.

The Phantasy Star Online 2 graphic revamp contains updated textures, character models and effects to bring PSO2 more in line with New Genesis‘look. The most critical is that new “Lobby Action” posts will be made available. The postures show updated animation rigging for the characters, adding things like finger movement. Finally, you can set up a pinkie curse, or say “No” by crossing your index finger together. The “Screenshot Creator Studio” (or “SS Studio”) was also showcased, a dedicated photo / pose mode with new graphic options, backgrounds and props to use in the game.

Check out a preview of the latest from Phantasy Star Online 2Episode 6’s update in the built-in video, starts at around 13:56 to 18:00 and then continues at 32:00 to 36:00:

Other changes include new costumes and the creation of characters New Genesis. To mark the 20th anniversary of Phantasy Star online, a PSOthemed event is also held, featuring Rico Tyrell, Ash Canaan and Kireek from the original Dreamcast-based game. Players will be able to obtain their Partner Cards and call them as NPC party members after showing their client orders.

The new update will also add a new opportunity, a series of 12-player collaborative attacks taking place across multiple areas. Sega megafans will also appreciate the return of Ark Ship Fire Swirl, a quest based on Burning Rangers.

Phantasy Star Online 2 is instantly available on PC and Xbox One worldwide, as well as on Nintendo Switch and PS4 in Japan. The new updates appear between the end of February 2021 and March 2021 for the Japanese edition of the game. A global release release window is expected later (the core of Episode 6 update was removed on December 9, 2020). New Genesis is planned for a release in 2021 and will allow power PSO2 players to transfer their accounts.
