Pfizer vacancy is effective against COVID-19

Pfizer vacancy announcement

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Pfizer and BioNtech announce that their vacancy is effective against the COVID-19 variant appearing in the United Kingdom.

The pharmaceutical industry Pfizer and its German company BioNtech announce that the vaccine against the COVID-19 that will develop jointly is effective against the variant of the virus appearing at the end of 2020 in the United Kingdom and that it has been propagated throughout the world. The notice was confirmed by this school based on laboratory results.

Pfizer and BioNtech announce that the study is based on die mutations of the COVID-19 variant known as B117, released in November 2020 in the United Kingdom, much more infectious than the type of coronavirus that has been acquired so far.

The studio is run by Ugur Sahin and Oezlem Tuereci, co-founders of the German company BioNtech. Sahin is the executive director of the company and Tuereci, his wife, medical director’s office.

The notice is directed at the scientific community that the fight against coronavirus has implied that the lack of vacancies will not be cleared. Reino Unida will present deep descriptions to observe how high the mortality indices are calculated for this variation of COVID-19.

The Pfizer and BioNteh Pseudovirus Study

Pfizer and BioNtech announce that their vaccine against the coronavirus is effective against the variant of the apparent virus in 2020 fines in the United Kingdom. It is based on an essay of which 16 volunteers participate.

The 16 people who participated in the Pfizer and BioNteh study were evacuated from COVID-19. Fueron is exposed to a synthetic virus classified as pseudovirus. The pseudovirus designed for this study contains the same protein as coronavirus B117.

The results demonstrated that the anticoagulants generated by the 16 evacuated volunteers (Comirnaty, or BNT162b2) eliminate the pseudovirus with the same efficacy as having the proteins from the anterior version of the coronavirus.

Israel questions the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine

Israel has made it clear that the effectiveness of the first dose of the Pfizer and BioNtech vaccine against the coronavirus is as effective as indicating the manufacturing companies.

Nachman Ash, an Israeli official in charge of drawing up the strategy against the pandemic, questioned the dates brought by the companies that develop the vacancy.

“A lot of people are infected between the first and second dose of Pfizer’s vaccine”, said in a dialogue with Radio del Ejército on Tuesday.

According to figures published by the Ministry of Health of Israel, 12,400 positive human coronavirus strains have been applied to the first dose of the Pfizer and BioNtech vaccine. Other 69 people diagnosed with the disease have received the second application of the vaccine.

“It appears that the protection provided by the first dose is less effective than what we think”. And I agree that the data on protection against the SARS-CoV-2 virus over the first dose is “most important of what Pfizer presented”, said Nachman Ash.

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