Pfizer claims that its vacancy has a 100% efficiency in minors between 12 and 15 years

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The pharmaceutical company Pfizer and its company BioNTech are applying to the authorities for approval to approve the use of their vaccine against covid-19 for children between 12 and 15 years of age, demonstrating that there is a 100% efficacy in this group of, following a communiqué difundido este viernes.

These solicits are based on data from the phase 3 enrollment in adolescents aged 12 to 15 years with no evidence of pre-infection with SARS-CoV-2, which demonstrates an efficacy of 100% and a solid response to anticoagulation from evacuation against the covid-19 “, follow the note.

The pharmaceuticals agree that there is an intention to plant solicitudes similar to the regulatory authorities of other countries in the coming days.

On the 31st of March, the German-Austrian pharmaceutical tandem announced that its vaccine against the covid had a 100% demonstration efficiency in adolescents of tens of thousands, having studied 2,260 individuals.

Ensayo favorable

According to information about the companies, the agreement is with adolescents in the United States of America between the ages of 12 and 15. There are 18 cases of covid-19 in the placebo group in front of no one in the vacancies.

The High Court insisted that the BNT162b2 vehicle was “well tolerated”. It is known that the secondary effects are generally consistent with those observed in participants between 16 and 25 years old.

“These petitions represent an important step in the continuous efforts of Pfizer and BioNTech to respond to the goblins in the amplification of the global evacuation efforts”, assures the text.

Confirm the criteria

The Food and Drug Administration of the United States (FDA, in English) confirms that December 8 the safety and efficacy of the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine for 16-year-old mayors in a first analysis prior to its authorization.

It will now be necessary to determine whether the security and efficacy criteria are met for the new edict between 12 and 15 years.

Until March 23, BioNTech and Pfizer will add more than 200 million doses of their BNT162b2 vaccine worldwide. The final results of this year are more than 1,400 million, according to the received receipts at the moment, although there have been conversations for an additional discount.

The Pfizer stadium also initiated clinical trials of its vaccine at the age of 6 months and 11 years.

The study has 144 divided children in groups of 6 months and 2 years; 2 and 5 years and between 5 and 11 years.

According to experts, the immunization of children, which exceeds 20% of the population of the United States, is essential to end the pandemic. Señalan that it is probable that the peace of mind the collective immunity has that the minors are also evacuated.

Modern, for its part, announced that it had initiated clinical trials of its vaccine at least 12 years ago on March 16.

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