Pfizer at BioNTech will release a vaccine against coronavirus to volunteers receiving placebo in the assays

REUTERS / Dado Ruvic
REUTERS / Dado Ruvic

Pfizer and its company BioNTech planean brindar a los volunteerearios que recibieron un placebo on the site of the vaccine against COVID-19 an option to receive one first dose before March 1, 2021, while permanently entering the studio.

The transfer option of the vaccine vaccine is available to all participants mayors of 16 years the possibility of discovering and receiving the placebo, and if ineffective would be injected with the same, power receive the vacancy for permanent investigation in the studio, dijeron las empresas en su sitio web.

La Food and Drug Administration of the United States (FDA, by its seal in English) and a panel of its external assessors expressed pre-occupancy of the Pfizer plan, which would make it difficult to recover data on security and efficiencies necessary to obtain the full approval of the vacancy by the regulators.

The participants of the test that received the placebo tendrane doses of the vacuana under investigation reserved for the inside of the study, inform the companies on the web site.

Musical producer Emilio Estefan received the Pfizer vaccine at a Miami hospital, United States.  (AP Photo / Lynne Sladky)
Musical producer Emilio Estefan received the Pfizer vaccine at a Miami hospital, United States. (AP Photo / Lynne Sladky)

“The study’s medicine will follow the last few days of the Centers for the Control and Prevention of United States Units and its local health authorities to offer the transition option to the vaccine to the participants in a manner of priority”, afirmaron las empresas.

For another, part, BioNTech finds himself working on a fund with his company Pfizer for boost the production of its COVID-19 car, afirmaron sus fundadores, y advirtieron que habrá brechas en el suministro hasta que se implementen otros inoculantes.

The German biotechnology startup has led the career of vacancies, pero on the other hand, it was late in the European Union’s debate on the relatively slow pace of blockchain regulation and the level of pedophilia carried out by Brussels.

Los retrasos han causado consternation in Germany, where some regions tuvieron que temporarily close the evacuation centers after the launch of an inoculation campaign the 27th of December.

“At the moment we are not doing well, there is an appealing reason why many other vacancies are approved and we intend to fill the vacancy with our own vacancy”, Director of the Executive of BioNTech, Ugur Sahin, at the seminar of notices Mirror in an interview.

The CEO and co-founder of BioNTech, Ugur Sahin, at the company headquarters in Mainz, Germany, 22 Dec 2020. REUTERS / Ralph Orlowski / File Photo
The CEO and co-founder of BioNTech, Ugur Sahin, at the company headquarters in Mainz, Germany, 22 Dec 2020. REUTERS / Ralph Orlowski / File Photo

It is hoped that the attempt by Modern is approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) next year 6.

The Minister of Public Health, Jens Spahn, has joined the EMA and has also Authorization for the vacancy of the Oxford and AstraZeneca University that Great Britain approves this week. The chronology of the UE for this treatment is seen as short.



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