Pfizer and BioNTech Confirmation All COVID-19 Vacuna Contra Variant Effect | Salud | La Revista

The laboratories Pfizer and BioNTech hope to manufacture in 2021 have 2500 million doses of their vaccine.

The Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine has a very high efficacy against the South African variant of coronavirus, following the claims of clinical trials in South Africa, announcing the two companies.

Covid-19 cases have not been observed in South Africa in evacuated persons during the Phase 3 trial that the participants had six months after their second injection, according to a joint statement.

In this country, “800 participants are being recruited, new cases of covid-19 are being observed, all in the placebo group, which indicates a 100% vaccine efficiency”, explains the Pfizer / BioNTech alliance.

These are “the first clinical results that demonstrate that a vaccine can protect efficiencies against current variants in circulation, an essential factor for logging group immunization and preventing this pandemic for world population”, explains Ugur Sahundgur, CEO of van.

Pfizer and BioNTech have an estimated enero, a partir pruebas realized in vitro, which is an inferior era, a la respuesta observada frente a la cepa comun del virus, ‘la alta eficacia’ de la vacuna no parecía afectada frente a la variante sudafricana.

The data of the clinical trials corroborate these results, according to the press release of the jueves.

Of the 46,307 participants in Phase 3 trials in various countries, the vaccine showed an efficacy of 91.3%, according to the same source.

Of the 927 cases of covid-19 in the study, 850 cases concerned patients of the placebo group and 77 cases of the evacuation group.

The Pfizer and BioNTech laboratories will be manufacturing 2500 million doses of their vaccine in 2021, one of the four approved in the European Union. (I)
