Petrobras lives his most turbulent week due to Bolsonaro’s injury | Economy

President Bolsonaro has a military salute to sanction the law of autonomy of the Banco Center este miércoles en Brasilia.
President Bolsonaro has a military salute to sanction the law of autonomy of the Banco Center este miércoles en Brasilia.Joédson Alves / EFE

Petrobras has seen a very turbulent week. The tormentor empresses the 18-year-old during the news that the Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, has been on Facebook all week. And it ends these days with the president of the petrol state detailing the inverses the benefits of 2020 vested with a sudera with the lema Beware of the gap (served with the escalator), interpreted as a mandate in the mandate for not taking the prices of the combustibles. Detailed colorists on the margin, the pulse is serious. Y caro. Bolsonaro’s maneuver to echo the current president colocar a general retreat in front of one of the Latin American empresses graduate the actions of Petrobras. Between the fires and the moons, the Bolsa company lost 100,000 million in real money (15,000 million euros, 18,000 million dollars). The inverters castigate other states and the dollar disappears.

Despite the bursal debacle, the actions he took were recovering from the Petrobras alliance, while the Brazilian government has control over 50.26%, he said. With more than 46,000 employees, extra 2.7 million barreled petroleum barrels. Founded at the auction by Getúlio Vargas, opened at private capital in the evening. His mid-millionaire activists lived a very busy week since Bolsonaro revealed his intervention. The tendency was bad. The Brazilian petrol shares lost 25% in the year ahead.

The detonant of the conflict is the accusation of increasing the price of gasoline and diesel, a 30% in that year, impulsive by international subsidies. It is therefore politically hypersensitive in a vast territory with a president who is pushing the airwaves and truckers who are planning to paralyze the country as of 2018. By the way, Bolsonaro announced that he will eliminate all gasoline and diesel fuel taxes.

Asunto también pone a prueba the discourse of economic liberalization with which the ultraderechista won the comics in 2018. The president saliente of the company, Roberto Castello Branco, of 76 years, formed in the School of Chicago, finds the private privatizer; the aspirant to succeed, the military soldier Joaquim Silva and Luna, 71 years old, the state list.

Analyst Malu Gaspar describes as in the diary O’Globo la eterna disyuntiva: “Who knows if Brazil sells the car combustion and decides on a way for all if it wants a Petrobras with actions in Bolsa, that we compromise with the investors, to finance its activities, or if it wants a Petrobras with social function, executor of public policies and that depends on the Brazilian contributor ”. Bolsonaro responds with clarity to these jewels. “A state, sea cual sea, has a social function”.

To calm the markets in full plea of ​​Petrobras reactivating the liberalized plans. Approve a decree to privatize the electricity Eletrobras, sanction the law that consecrates the autonomy of the Central Bank and entrusted to Congress the project to sell Correos. With Silva and Luna, a third of the Brazilian state-owned companies will be under the direction of men from the Fuerzas Armadas, active or retired.

Petroleum will close the 2020 pandemic with a profit of 1,060 million euros. Castello Branco approves the presentation of the annual results of the Jewish Passover, Day 24, to reconsider its legacy, which includes the benefits of 2019, the majors of history thanks to the sale of assets. Recall that he reduced the debt “in this case 36,000 million dollars in two years” and defended his position: “The prices due to the decline of the international market generate negative consequences”. We also call on the communal authorities to ensure the ultimate governmental intervention to control the prices of combustion. Fueron 40,000 million dollars in time by Dilma Rousseff.

Surprisingly, while on the road, I would like to add a phrase with the phrase Beware of the gap. The phrase, London’s subway line, is protagonizing a 2019 petrol campaign over its intentions to close the breach of efficiencies that separates international firms. Castello Branco intervenes by videoconference from his house, converted later by one year. What siga collected is another of the motives for the Bolsonaro, which reunited crowd and weighed 250,000 dead accumulated in the country by the virus that spreads the mascara, considering that it was inadequate for the cargo.

The salient directive is an ally of the Minister of the Economy, the ultra-liberal Paulo Guedes, who, together with Bolsonaro, points out that the pandemic and the electoral interests of the mandate have fueled his ambitious plans for economic reforms. The minister who read with the mission of adelgazar the State has maintained a notable silence during the town of Petrobras. When it finally came to insisting on the need to “unblock the economic agenda” without mentioning the state. Fiscal and administrative reforms are under way in Congress.

Antes, the once members of the Board of Directors take part in the Presidential Ordinance and all appear before the General on the reserve sums up the meetings in March, when the two years of the current President’s term come. Thiago de Aragão, the consultant for the Arko giant, explained in a statement that “this is what caused the preoccupation [a los inversores] no nomination [del militar], we understand the form and context in which Castello Branco was located ”.

This crisis is a new one revised only one year after Petrobras regressed to the benefits of the communal crisis caused by the so-called systematics that accompanied us during his contracts, afload by the Lava Jato investigation that Brazil had entered.

Jueves 17, Bolsonaro has just returned from Facebook and his irritation with the constant constants of the combustibles. Además to criticize the first executive of the state for not freeing the auments, afirmó: “In the next days there will be something in Petrobras”. The advertisement materializes in the 24 hours, with the markets attesting to the company, in the form of a ministerial communication issued by the President of the Republic. The general in the reserve that presidency Ia hydroelectric of Itaipú, on the front with Paraguay in Argentina, abandons the cargo to be replaced by the defensive line Castello Branco.
