Personalized nutrition and benefit from the study of the cable of Valencia

Mónica Collado

Valencia, 14 Feb (EFE) .- Applied in Valencia for its global expansion and with a unique method of analysis, the emerging business epiXlife studies the work of food deficiency cable and how to affect the ambient factors and the emotions to elaborate plans y el bienestar.

Its health platform (E-Health) uses the epigenetic framework of genetics that expresses the genes in the function of nutrition, the medium and the emotions, to analyze and interpret health from different points of view and help change food and nutrition habits.


His technical director, Esteban Monzó, explained to EFE that his work is based on the technology of an German laboratory that uses the epigenetics of a potent biomarker, the cable, but with the difference that with its “unique” method the users do not need to buy equipment or be in person to get the information.

As a result of the pandemic, we consider it a more dynamic platform that only epigenetic analysis alone has other technologies, and with the help of one of its powder cases to enter the web to provide information about itself, then it comes here immune and how can you improve your health “, explains.

If we reach the finals of 2020 the epiXlife platform, which allows as many people as possible in the professional centers to receive packages with instructions and send the information in the kit kit to obtain the information and obtain the results of the web.


The analysis of coma affects nutrition, the ambient medium and the emotional state the German laboratory has in what epiXlife bases its epigenetic technology through a biological marketer “who is very potent at the genetic and epigenetic level, the cable”.

“The person enters the platform, unleashes a series of very simple and basic data and solicits the technology. When the lullaby only has to pull out of the nook zone with a pair of tweezers that are 4 to 6 inches long with cable raíz y con esto ya analizamos toda la genetesie expresion “, results.

Its main venture is that it treats “a very invasive technology, while not having a pinch that does not clear the rope”, and even then the company is able to analyze the same data that the laboratories of Germany grace at its operations center in Valencia.

“The cable is sent to Valencia to analyze and the user receives the results on the same platform in which it is registered. From the results and its interpretation, it helps with a follow-up plan that changes your style of life”, penetrates.

Specifically “identify, potency and correct” areas of the body that need to be improved and, for this purpose, detect foods that are produced in the digestive tract, nutritional fluctuations or its influence on the immunological system and affect the sun-dwelling organism factors ” nutritional ability to potentiate and correct these imbalances “.

It is not only necessary to develop a personalized diet without a complete plan to change habits and make a limp of the organism if necessary to potentiate the immune system, cardiovascular system or muscle system.

“I can customize it so that I change it to a global level and a multidisciplinary level because I do not like to have a very healthy diet if you are all day on the couch watching TV. Work your health from various points of view and it is spectacular”, sentence.


Monzó assures that a technology that has only food, emotional, emotional and metabolic patterns “in Spain does not exist”, with the added value of being an E-health platform, can be analyzed from a test covid to a shoot of orina o sangre “.

“With the covenant we have given up that we have a fantastic protection system because we are abandoned and we do not defend ourselves against external aggression. By replying to a virus, people with immunodeficiency attack them with an incredible virulence.”

Therefore, one of the most important aspects of its analysis is the system: “We are concerned that the personal data that our protégés have trained to be prepared for any type of aggression and that it is complete, that hacemos ayuda mucho “.


Incorporated into the Insomnia de Valencia platform, epiXlife features an international team of a dozen people, with the support of all quince doctors and nutritionists of the world and a test that identifies 40 parameters for different types of information, including n a price between 100 and 170 euros.

The most common information is the optimization of the property and the system that “is what is needed all the time” and can cover the complete information or the sections that are most interesting.

For high-yielding athletes, the information has a different effect and these professionals only need to increase their diet and habits while also logging a yield, and are “on campus”.

The third type of information is directed to those who profess a vegan style of life “each has more fashion” and who wants to know the possible quirks that can lead to his diet or what he can potentiate, what “an added value”.


EpiXlife maintains its operations in Valencia for this purpose and has intermediaries for different companies that have the technology and want to provide information to their customers.

In addition to Spain, he has traveled to the United States, Mexico, Colombia, France, Serbia, Russia and including Dubai, and is about to empress in the Italian market.

“Our technology adapts itself to any market as the work of the judiciary. Depending on who you are, you will be guided by your style of life, your nutrition education and your religion, and you have technological worlds like it. “, concluye.

Currently the platform is offered in six idioms -spañol, Engels, ruso, italiano, polaco y francés- y en breve llegará a quince, entre ellos el serbio y el chino. EFE

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