Personalities 50 years of age or older than elegant para la vacuna versus el coronavirus in Texas | Univision 62 Austin KAKW

According to the department, more than 93% of the deaths in Texas are caused directly by coronavirus and are 50 years old or more, and people aged 50 to 64 represent 20 per cent of all deaths.

“We have seen a noticeable decrease in the number of hospitalizations and deaths since the age of 65 or more will begin to be evacuated in full in January. the mayor risks serious results and preserves the state’s medical attention system, ”said Imelda García, DSHS’s associate commissioner.

The state-of-the-art evacuation program against the coronavirus begins with Phase 1A in December with health workers and residents and staff of the large-scale installation facilities. More late this month, Phase 1B has begun evacuating 65-year-olds and other people with medical ailments.

Last week, Texas aggregated school workers and infant care in the electorate.

