Person in their fifties dead and 36 new cases of COVID-19 – Redhead black belt

Covid pers Tier

A Humboldt County resident has died with COVID-19, and 36 new cases of COVID-19 have been reported today. One case previously recorded was incorrectly considered positive due to a laboratory error, and another was determined as a duplicate, so the total number of provincial residents who tested positive was 2,427.

The individual who died was in their 50s. The Humboldt County Health Officer, dr. Ian Hoffman, expresses his condolences to all the families affected by the virus, and he noted that this loss was particularly close to home due to the strong connection his family had with the person who died. “We must all do our part to limit additional infections of COVID-19 and hopefully prevent further loss of life by this virus until the vaccine becomes more widely available,” he said.

Dr. Hoffman added that the state-sponsored series of Moderna vaccines is still being investigated by the California Department of Public Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the manufacturer.

Dr Hoffman said that although the break has delayed the administration of a significant number of doses allocated to Humboldt County, efforts to build up local capacity for vaccinations are continuing.

Independent vaccination

The emergency services manager, Ryan Derby, is doing a mass swearing-in of 19 volunteer inmates for the province on Tuesday, January 19, 2021.

On Tuesday, 19 additional disaster service workers were sworn in as volunteer inmates, a total of 40 during the past week. “This pandemic has affected all of us, and it will take us all to get out of it,” Dr Hoffman said. “I would like to thank all these volunteers who acted to respond to the needs of the community.”

Volunteers are still needed. Those interested in volunteering can call the Community Information Line at 707-441-5000 or email [email protected] for more information.

For the latest COVID-19 information, visit or Local information is available at or during business hours by contacting [email protected] or call 707-441-5000.

Local information about the COVID-19 vaccine:
Humboldt County COVID-19 Data Dashboard:
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