Periodicals arranged: Tengo miedo | First line | Planet Futuro

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Write from the middle. Miedo for my country, for democracy, for the future … But also for my colleagues, for periodism and for me. As a professional, I work as a salvo periodicals hecho hecho, lo que a pure fuerza y ​​passion hemos construido, y me lleno de desánimo y de frustration. Pero a titulo personal, tengo miedo.

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The 28th of February saw the legislative and municipal elections in El Salvador. New Ideas, the party founded by the President, is consolidated with absolute majority. Now Nayib Bukele has a powerful power, control over the organisms of the State and in his hands is the choice for the third. This winner has been announced for some time, but the weight of reality is now.

This is a victory without precedents from the firm of the peace accords in 1992. In the March 1 madrugada, the president’s Herman burlaba in social speeches about las options of political asylum that we need buskar y Executive Officers bromeaban with the ability to close the airport to block the salads. It’s just a matter of time before New Ideas kicks off as the absolute winner.

When the current president of El Salvador was arrested in politics, he was a militant young man from Izquierdas. Lego with his look brown fresco in his pose cool. His image was constructed with enlightened discourses, pagan phrases and good-narrative phrases in those who were the authentic hero. In his interviews he always answered that he was pony in his bed to the males or the “always of”, as he said, to “devilvan lo robado”. This function and soon (very soon) the popularity of Bukele creation has been converted into a roundabout. One that was consolidated in the elections.

Peru Bukele will quickly become this character cool and commenced to appear to his adversaries, esos to those who criticized. In less than a year, it was demonstrated in depth on the roads and the separation of the State’s powders. At this time, multiple cases of fundraising, nepotism, abuse of power and bargaining negotiations are being uncovered. As is ours, the periodicals questioned the power in each of these cases. We were at the front in press conferences demanding explanations. ‘N Bukele no le ha gustado.

The president considers, falsely, that the critics and questioners are against him and have criticized his critics as unanimous. In this way, intellectuals, human rights defenders, activists and periodicals are part of an indescribable list. As a result, informants have turned us into a center of attack in press conferences, tits, insults and restrictions on our work. The president has turned himself into an audio broadcaster against us, which is broadcast on national television.

Hasta el año pasado pensaba que los tuits son solo eso, tuits. But the violence against the press and the opposition began to escalate, and these were converted into concrete actions. During the first months of the pandemic, teachers will meet at the home of a colleague while staying at a press conference and roam only on the computer. Intended to think that he was a hecho aislado, but the computers of other colleagues would start to be entertained. At this point, decide to explore the site every now and then, drill down all the archives and work from the platforms that make it a possible minor downfall. If so, if I have a case and find the team, I will keep the control of my documents. Now, months later, from the distance I was in Spain, supported by Reporters Without Fronts, I thought it absurd to think of choosing my computer at my own home.

My family has been involved in the incident during a pandemic by a political reprisal

In the finals of the past year, another colleague took the plunge all day long when he passed away. Three types put the pistol on the cabbage, the pistol that was fired at the cell, it was not there and it was unlocked. It is discovered that the orders come from the offices of the Intelligence of the State.

In June of this year, my mother was fired from her job after she published an investigation that revealed irregular purchases by the Minister of Health, Francisco Alabí, during the pandemic. My mom has more than one decade left in her job. Peru cuatro días despu de de haber published la investigación, le hicieron la prueba del polygrafo a mi madre, la acosaron sobre sus nexos con periodistas y al día siguiente la obligaron a dejar su puesto. We have to deal with internal sources, we confirm that the decision was a consequence of my work. My family has been involved in an incident during a pandemic by political reprisals.

All of these periodicals have a history of limitations and perceptions that we have to feel most expansive, less secure. Many of the insults and ideas come from citizens, fanatics of the Bukele project.

Is the executive and his power limited to me? Sí, pero me dan más miedo sus seguidores. Those who are disposed to be able to handle them. Have you found a carpet on which ten guarded the most serious insults and facilities that he received in 2020. His 33. And not his todos. La Mayoría is very open to those who are abajo de este tuit and generally not the prestige attention, or not the leo. But every now and then, especially when I publish a note about the governor, I read a message that I should eat, golpear, violar … O las tres. They, when they see, the guard.

Have years ago, when everything is perceived, I think it’s only troll what is left behind of these messages, as Ghana makes money by writing all the insults that exist in Spain for the uninitiated. For now, many people believe that we are writing this out of pure conviction and passion for the Bukele political project, and that we are being protected and respected by all the members of the world with messages like this: “Be with us a ir perra inútil, te tenemos en la mira criminal, asesina, ladrona (…) ”. The dice actually because the thought y, to take the opportunity and the impunity, to complete his arrangements. Nos golpearían, nos matarían. Estuo at the point of passing a periodical while covering the elections.

It is the problem of audio discourses like the president’s, that with the correct phrases his abilities to break the pitch, separate the costiles, separate the muscles and read directly to the heart of the one who chooses.

Me molesta is presented as a victim or sent one. I have to worry about enumerating and counting penises, but I believe that it is necessary to expose these situations in order to know the reality of what we are telling the periodicals in El Salvador

These discourses incite to violence and when it comes from the power to generate a sense of impunity for women who take action. We saw him with Trump and he went to the Capitol with Confederate banners. Solo is necessary to find a leader that all the carencias, all this pain and logar installation in the race of women who need it and say: the periodicists are the only ones.

This discourse takes place in the deepest sense of sentiment and has, as a consequence, a type with a rifle deciding: “I have the order and I have it for 60 months, my president”. In the end, those of us who are attacking, ours of golfing in a showdown of the Assembly or ours of vacating six discharges from a new millimeter do not want to see the public servants, they do not need to kill the men. If it’s the people, it’s the same that we recognize in the call and we confront with an “Ey, ¿verdad que vos sos de los periodistas de los que hable el presidente en la tele?”, O que nos amenazan con quemarnos vivos en redes.

Me molesta is presented as a victim or sent one. Me molesta tener enumerate splicios and countar penas, pero creo que es necesario exponer estas situationes para que quienes nos leen sepanid reality a las que nos enfrentamos los periodistas en El Salvador ylo que esto representa: la fragilidad y el diploma de democracia . A Cuban colleague commented that there were no important attacks and that these implications remained important to the people who had the attacks. I believe I have a reason.

Bukele won the elections. Gente lo celebro en las calles con fuegos artificiales et música. Ya lo dijo Padme when Palpatine consolidates as the emperor with an amplitude response of senado, in the story of La Guerra de las Galaxias: “Así is as mueren las democracias, con un estruendoso aplauso”.

I mean, but I should like to have learned from the school of periodism that some may ask, in that I teach that adversity, repression and authoritarianism only we can respond with more and more periodism.

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