Perform simultaneous cardiac transplant procedures

First cardiac transplant procedure is performed at the Puerta Hierro Hierro de Madrid hospital.

Members of Puerta Hierro Hospital in cardiac transplant procedure.
Members of Puerta Hierro Hospital in cardiac transplant procedure.

Eduardo Najar
Latina Agencia Medicin y Salud Pública

The past two days at the Hospital de Hierro de Madrid sued a hecho who had seen from the consolidation of the area of ​​transplants, then a man who established gravity disease at cardiac level received the organ required and at the same time another condition of a condition similarly received a sound that sounded like a cobra.

It is the first time that the entity is engaged in a simultaneous intervention in the transplant area.

The patient number is ten years 55 years old and causes a massive infarction that requires permanent form of a machine that completes some cardiovascular functions. The cabecera doctors insure that the only way the patient can get a better quality of life is by means of a transplant.

Días atrás in the same institution the doctors habían found a donor coronation. However, when an compatibility analysis is performed, it is known that there was no aptitude.

The second individual was a patient of 25 years of age who was in UTI and took care of a critical state. Ambos patients val saam in a clinical setting of care and eran priority patients in transplantation at national level.

“Nunca se había dado algo así. If you are not interested in the second donor you will lose. Although we are not prepared to do anything like this, and now there is a hospital full of coronavirus patients and a lot of people are dedicated to it, they have a very large esophagus because they are surgeons and anesthetists “, explains Javier Segovia, hospital cardiologist .

Ardua labor del transplant

Since a patient with a serious affection has been diagnosed and is a candidate for transplant, the hope and time are very valid when playing a transcendental paper in a donor’s quarantine.

At the moment the transplant is a life-and-death career and the organs that are used for the procedure can not be for a long period of time to expose and need to be fast, effective and safe.

When the medical group takes patients to the patient, they extract the coronation and manner of treatment carried out on the patients in which the doctor Elsa Rivas meets. For another patient, Daniel Muñoz, the institution’s physician, looked for the other organ for the second patient he or she had advised.

The patient with more eda is found in the chiropractor and intubated to initiate the operation. The law of implantation of the organ, the function of the same, made the hope and initiation to normalize the law of two minute minutes.

Both patients after three days are found recovering and with the organs that devolve the life.