Perfect truck for Alliance | The Graphic

Six games and six victories. The Alliance wants to presume goal and potential in a regional phase of Clausura 2021 where love and peace will prevail. Nadie the receipt does not score a point and the 3-5 in the marker day to the albos list for the other phase.

In an exchange of golfers, both albos as carabinieri show off their polarity and take the time to define, but also many concentrations on the time of marking. The albos siguen invictos both Milton Meléndez’s tutelage and the cartel of clear favorite to the title.

The carbine lad had the satisfaction of having a good game before the champion. Not yet, but not Ghana in the tournament and so it is a pending account.

The blue technique, Cristian Domizzi, hizo variations on his paragraph about everything in the saga, donde Argenis Alba volvio to the scheme together with Johnny Morán and Óscar Castillo.

Thus, “Tigana” hizo modifications in its scheme also pondering in the rotations of cara to the next phase. Narciso Orellana, Rubén Marroquín and Míchell Mercado joined the bench and passed to Óscar Rodríguez, Israel Landaverde and Rodolfo Zelaya.

Exactly Fito has the first option open to the 30 second game games that Juan Carlos Portillo recreates the squirrel band and is called the area. Mando a retreat center around the time Zelaya pero his rematch was run by the larguero.

The March responds favorably to the rival’s and begins to give results. Yimmy Cuéllar equivocal in a despeje and on the day to Julio Rivera that precipitates on mandar a center impreciso. Luego fue Mancía quien regaló el balon pero Roque no pudo darle direction in su remate.

About 10 minutes ago I had a good option for the albums on a free shelf on the ground through a mane of Roque. Llegó Monterroza a la ejecución y el balon sober la cabaña de Coloca. Two minutes later the opportunity was always in a free shoot for the right-hand side of the area. There was an attempted play by Portillo for the Monterroza Legacy to get back to the place where he was born.

In the initial minutes, the dynamics of the game were very good with an official March in the market and attack on some elements and an alliance with his good criterion to disembark.

At the 25th minute the opening of the market by Zelaya’s intermediary. In the previous game, “Cabrita” Portillo had a good combination over the goal and through the intentions, a center in the penalty area where Zelaya scored the first goal and the second guard to make it 1-0. The zaga carabinera pidió falta del ariete albo pero el juez Nolasco avaló el gol.

Así, los albos ya mandaban en el terreno de juego con burgemeester pozion de balon y también en el marcador. Without embarrassment, when the Alliance took a full check, read Tony Roque’s goal at the 31st minute. After a foul on the squad, the midfielder mandated the center over the goal. el 1-1.

For example, at 36 ‘the maximum penalty was awarded to Marte when Landaverde was sent to Novoa inside the area. One minute after Johnny Morán read to define with a shot at the cost of Cuéllar’s goal and make it 2-1.

This goal is the paquidermo organ that is immediately about the cabin of Coloca with the afan to launch the igualada. Asi finalized the first meeting with altibajos in the ejection of the parts of the albos. Tenían the pelota pero lacked more precision in the time to launch the centers and close. In addition, the errors in the zone will terminate to translate into goals and it is only that “Tigana” quiso correct.

In addition, Míchell Mercado is taking a blank slate for giving mayor profundity. Of the carabinero, the idea was to release the dynamic rival that was looking for a vertical game with many fast transitions to find a hook.

This intention is to translate into goal when Portillo commands a center centered on the Mercado Legion, which has some mark, connected by a crosshead crossing the balloon and flown at the expense of the Coloca cabin. Luego, new Portillo was the referent on board and mandated the balloon in the area where the saw azul revented.

The albos sabían que con paciencia and gaining amplitude in the game terrain, the space spaces can the zaga marciana también must work its hours to make the relevant. So much so that the white-collar worker, who was 57 years old, was sentenced to one year in prison.

One minute later Zelaya went to shoot at Coloca and make it 2-2. With the most convenience for the result, the Alliance dominated the game. More when Tamacas approved a Mercado center and it was 2-3 at minute 74 with what parish felt the party. No obstacle, Johnny Morán approves another fall in the zone for the 3-3.

When he appeared, he had empathy in the derby of Monterroza to approve a center of Wilfredo Cienfuegos and the mandate at the bottom. With this, the albos live the party and the plenum of victories. Find the pastel of Jorge Córdoba for the 3-5 final.

