Pepillo Origel reveals new vacancy against covid-19 af EU

Pepillo Origel, conductor of spectacles, repeats the silence through the oil of criticism that is generated in return, lies that presume that it vacunó contra el covid-19 in Miami, United States. I’ve been afraid of not living in this country. Assist to program Hoy from TV and front to the decision rooms explain how he got the vacancy, why it’s puso and why it decided to share in the speeches. Además, aseguró que has received recent messages from Argentina and do not invite a holiday. Is the EU called up for its second dose? Lost your visa? Die kontamens lo revvelé el polemicico presenter de TV.

In the program Hoy, Pepillo Origin dio la cara tras los senalamientos y critique that has generated by vacunarse in Estados Unidos against the covid-19. Express that travels to Miami as a tourist, was here when he entered to receive the first dose. However, when the pandemic was reported, it was a very common means of combating the virus.

‘Tenía miedo. I encerré. No sé cómo decirles el por qué me fui a vacunar. I went to Miami as a tourist and I told him ‘I’ve been applying for the holiday’. Yo llego, me citan a las tres de la tarde a un zoologico. The only one who was my tourist passport, the four, me the pusieron. At the moment when I’m pushing the living room I change my mind ”, externally.

When evacuated, according to account, no secondary effect is felt. Only get excited about the opportunity to become immune:

‘No, nada, you sent me normally. There is no reaction, the only one who feels that he is well off. I believe that all of us feel good about being evacuated ”.

Explain the reason why the decision is presumed in its social speeches that it has received the vaccine against covid-19, but it is clear that the critics and signers are popular in social speeches and include teasing on Twitter.

“It’s very emotional and because a lot of people can not find the money… apart from money. Pero era sin ninguna mala intención. Yo le digo a toda la gente ¿no lo harías por tu mamma, por tu papa, por toda la gente que ya tiene edad? If the person joven the book, but if not to shoot. And live with panic ”, account.

Asimismo, Pepillo Origel confessed that he was meeting with the hope that the Miami llama for his second dose of the vaccine against covid-19.

‘I hope you love me and love me. More well by the edad –the pusieron the vacuna–. En kuuant me digan … Yo si le digo a todo el mundo cuando eres una poblation kwesbaar ¿a quién no les gustaría vivir sin esta enfermedad? ”, aseguró.

In this sense, the television presenter revealed that it is clear that the visa will be granted. Reiteró that only be happy to have received the vacancy.

“Yo no sé nada, nada. Muchas gracias por haber recibido la vacuna. A mi si alguien se vacuna de la tercera yo digo ‘bendito sea Dios'”, communication.

Finally, he acknowledged that he had received many messages, including receiving a letter from Argentina in order to apply the vaccine:

“I have written a lot of people, but in Argentina I am called… I am talking about all the public figures for vacancies and that his followers are animating to vacancies”.

In addition, he concluded his message with the same preamble that he sought empathy “Did you not know that all were evacuated?”

I initiated the controversy against Pepillo Origel

See the 25th of January, when the conductor of spectacles dio who hablar to share a photograph in what presume haber received the dose against the coronavirus.

In the description of his publication, the presenter of 73 years confirms that Mexico does not have the security to evacuate, because it has to travel to the United States. As you would expect, users in social media criticize it.

“Ya vacunado. Gracias, Estados Unidos, ¡¡¡é I’m sad that my country has not given me this security !!!”, Pepillo Origel wrote in his Twitter account.

“Ya está! Qué tristeza me da, tuve que venir a USA a que me pusieran la vacuna y en nuestro país nadie sabe cuándo ni com, ¡y gratis!” .

