Pepillo Origel makes sure that its ‘friends’ are evacuated against Covid

Have a date Juan José ‘Pepillo’ Origel dio mucho qué hablar tras anunciar se se había logrado inyectar la segunda dose de la vacuna contra la Covid af Miami, lo que desató las critics in social media.

The conductor she is defended by her afbreuk doen and to appear in the habitation of many important pues declared “Que sigan ladrando” and a video the six minutes of the duration grabbed from his bed, the same as was posted on his YouTube channel.

On this occasion we did not take the exception and approved the same space to make a reflection on the lovers who has lost his temper with the passing of time and wants to know his scandalous media.

juan jose pepillo origel vacuna

Juan José ‘Pepillo’ Origel declared that today he kept very few friends with different things when he met at the end of the day, when ‘las amistades’ le sobraban.

The spectacle periodicals have been recorded on multiple occasions that no cometio ningún delito al irse a vacunar in the United States, because now there is a lot of love for the friends who are permanently loyal to him.

juan jose pepillo origel vacuna

“I’ve been here in my world, in León, Guanajuato. vineerd a León to descend completely from everything is? My wing a disfrutar de lo que es la familia. Amo a mis hermanos, a mis sobrinos. I have a man and five men, and a mountain of sobrins ”, mencionó.

“When one’s preserved for friends, it’s all alive. It’s wonderful, it’s very good. Pronto has someone who has friends. In the work circle that teen friends and the hour of the hour his pure lies, not the teens. What? Pues porque hooi mucha falsedad, express Pepillo.

Dejó en claro que el mundo de the shows have changed a lot, including televisions and programs are totally different from today: “Now that everyone has a channel, a program, now that’s it’s very popular. Fíjense que a mí antes se me hacía hasta chistoso ver a uno o dos de estos youtubers. Ahora ya no los veo. After the suction with the vaccine, a nadie veo, porque nadie es tu amigo, finalist Juan José ‘Pepillo’ Origel.
