Pentagon creates MICROCHIP that will detect Covid-19 under your skin – RT USA News

Medical researchers working for the Pentagon claim to have created a microchip that can identify viruses such as Covid-19 if it is under your skin.

Retired army spot. Dr. Matt Hepburn, a doctor on infectious diseases, told ’60 minutes’ that the microchip looks like a “Check engine” light for humans, but does not track every move, which is central to online conspiracy theories about Covid-19 vaccinations.

The technology was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which operates under the Pentagon. Hepburn’s interview was conducted on the USS Theodore Roosevelt, where more than 1,200 crew members tested positive for Covid-19 last year, something Hepburn claims may occur in this microchip in the future.

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The microchip, which is not widely used outside the Department of Defense, is embedded under the skin in a tissue-like gel and constantly tests the recipient’s blood for evidence of a virus, such as Covid-19. Once detected, the wearer is warned that they must undergo a blood test immediately.

“It’s a sensor,” Hepburn said. “That little green thing in there, you put it under your skin and what tells you is that there are chemical reactions going on in the body and that the signal means you are going to have symptoms tomorrow.”

He claims that the technology for early detection can “Stop the infection in its tracks.”

Another bit of technology that was highlighted during the 60-minute segment that could directly affect viruses like Covid was a dialysis machine that would be used to filter and detoxify blood, and then re-blood the blood in a patient. place until the virus is removed from the body.

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A military spouse, named “Patient 16”, reportedly went through this process after suffering from a serious illness that caused septic shock and organ failure. After four days of treatment, researchers claim that she has fully recovered.

“For us, at DARPA, if the experts laugh at you and say it’s impossible, you’re in the right place,” Hepburn said.

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